That was a little uncalled for. You don't have to be such a.. never mind. Litehedded you are so closed minded it crazy. If people don't do things the way you were taught apparently they are wrong. It is impossible to have a simple debate with you. You do realize that you are sitting here arguing with people that probably have more deep dives on air than you have dives. No one is saying that helium isn't a wonderful gas but apparently you feel that if you dive deeper than 100fsw on air you are an idiot which isn't the case. Have you really gone back and read some of your posts? You must be the world's foremost expert on diving. I haven't seen anyone on this board so set in their ways.
that doesn't make them right, dude.
the deaths keep happening on these wonky mixes (one as recently as last week). sorry if I've paid attention to them and come up with a different approach to my diving than you have.