Dee, new member for northern clan...

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Reaction score
N.E. Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
It's official, Firefyter passed the initiation at CSSP today.

He did real good on the dives while holding the live cottonmouth, and was about to finish the fifth alligator wrestling part with just mask and snorkel, then blew an ear when it drug him down several feet.

But...he finished up the gator and emerged triumphant.

HI Fives to Firefyter!
Great story, Mike, much better than I could come up with, and way more interesting a story than what really happened. Next time I'm trying to think up an excuse to tell my wife, I'm calling ya :D

Seriously, though, I had a great time, and I'm looking forward to doing it again as soon as the ear heals up.
Had a blast diving with ya. Hope the ear heals quick so I can drag you back down again.

Posted some better pics in the other thread, but thought a little hard evidence might come in handy seeing as who's vouching for ya. Dee - that's him all the way on the left side of the lineup.
It's late and my brain aint in gear any more. We had 2 other inductees today besides FireFighter. They deserve their own thread, but this will just have to do. rkr3000 and his wife Kerri (Keri / Kery / Kerry??) were brave enough to do a dive with me and Firefighter today. They're probably going to get a dose of Me, TwoBitTxn, Zagnut and TruckDiver tomorrow just to drive home the point.
Now that look like a fine crew! Congrats Firefyter! That 5th round with the gator usually knocks folks out of the game! :D Good luck on the ear....
It was great meeting Firefyter and getting to dive with him, as well as with Des, Jana and Sealskin. I'm really sorry about your ear, but when it heals, we'll go again.

Welcome to the Swampers, Tom! :wavey:
Okay, I need proper ID's of all the peeps in the pics. Which are excellent pics, btw, Des- way to go! Please ID your pics in the other thread, it looks like yall were having so much fun. I bet Firefyter's mask leaks cause he's grinning in every pic. LOL. Sometimes it's just hard not to grin a lot down there, isn't it?

Donald is much better, still taking meds and taking it easy. We didn't go to the tournament today, and tomorrow is just too quick for him to try diving- but we'll get out there asap. Please post dive reports, vis, etc.- I'm just gonna admit it, I'M JEALOUS. So help me to live vicariously through you! :)

So did you really have an ear injury?
Foo, in the group pic on this thread it's left to right: Firefyter (Tom), Some bum (me), ScubaTexan (Ken), and ScubaJana (Jana). Vis. wasn't the greatest I've seen it, was about 10 ft. or so this time. Not surprising with all of the rain.

On the pics in the other thread move your cursor over the pic., a bar will come up saying "Click image for larger version. Name: ScubaTexan" or whatever the name that Des assigned it.

Yup, Tom got a slightly blown ear. That can happen pretty easily when it has been injured before. He said it's not too bad, and that he should be o.k. in a couple of weeks.

We missed y'all there Foo; some ppl. were wondering about ya and a couple had seen your post about Donald being sick. Glad to hear he's getting better.
Thanks, Mike for the explanation on the pics. Yall can see that I'm obviously going to require a lot of TLC to get things figured out. :)

Looks like a motley crew. We should fit right in...


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