In my culture, "supervisor" can be an instructor, but i'm not. It's a sort of divemaster, a "super" divemaster.I guess things are different with other agencies, and other country's dive cultures. This post has a number of statements that are not in keeping with technical diving training as I understand it. Don't want to get into a flame war, but as others have pointed out, I don't think that the difference between recreational and technical diving is simply a quantitative difference but a qualitative difference with a different mindset.
Assuming that the "supervisor" (does this mean instructor or more advanced buddy?) will be monitoring the other diver's gas - as opposed to planning that all ahead of time and for each diver being responsible for monitoring their own gas supply - is dangerous even for a no-stop dive, let alone a dive that requires staged decompression.
With "just a few" [minutes] of decompression, what happens when the newer diver has a problem at depth and the instructor is not available? Since there is no option to ascend immediately, are they practiced at holding stops, and have those required stops somewhere written down?
If you are at the same level but one of you has a catastrophic gas loss due to an equipment failure, what's the plan then? With buddy? Without?
A divemaster can lead up to 8 or more OWD/AOWD.
I'm limited to 4, but it's generally one or 2.
When i say "monitoring", i'm must be sure than supervised divers monitor their gas level and share the information. If they don't, i ask them, and i give mine.
As a supervisor, or in autonomy, we must be closed the buddy or the supervised diver. So, instructor "not available" is not an option (but Murphy's law

We don't deco with newer divers.
A true newer diver is not trained to deco, the depth is limited to 20 m. Generally, at beginning, the tank is empty before entering in deco.
A "Level 2" diver, supervised to 40 m, is not a newer diver, and can have at least 20 or 30 dives.
Catastrophic gas loss without buddy ? in that case, i dive with an isolated double, and a couple of pony (Eanx 40% or 50%, oxy). up to the Eanx MOD.
Catastrophic gas loss with a buddy ? manage.
But why a gas loss ? my hardware is good and redundant, i dive always with 2 regulators (mandatory, as a supervisor, but i did it before being one), so, in case of hose failure or freeze, i can close one. HP hose failure ? it takes some time to empty the tank. Wing failure ? up with the dry suit or the SMB.
OK, i have some technical knowledge.