Hi All,
Some things seem to have been 'lost in translation', most likely because I typed my previous post quite quickly. I must admit that I do find it quite remarkable how quickly people respond in quite a negative way on something they perceive as not being the 'right way of doing things'.
Lets continue the proper discussion

1. Most likely I will not do the extra training, because:
- I would most likely only use it at here
- It is apparently not required to experience the things I'd like to experience (read: I do not need to do DECO nor go beyond 40m to see the things I'd like to see)
2. Therefore I will not dive past my own limits
3. Unless accompanied by a CMAS instructor who is allowed to bring someone with my experience on specific dives and is trained to do so. Here I am uncertain of what is allowed as I am unaware of the CMAS system. Before doing any of this I will find out more about and see if it makes sense and sounds safe to me. I cannot imagine though that a strict organization such as CMAS would allow un-safe practices.
One 'defending' comment, yes I am a **** instructor (to semi-quote someone before), yes I dive safely with my students and know what I'm doing with them. That does not mean I have knowledge about the entire tech universe of all the different companies, that doesn't mean either that I know all rules and guidelines of other companies up-to recreational instructor level. Clearly I understand that going to 60meter for 60min on a single tank is not very wise... Rephrase, that is plain st*pid

As I lack the knowledge of which options exist in that space (and am more than willing to admit that), I asked a simple question and got loads of helpful responses

. As it seems now though the tips for which courses to follow are probably not required anymore, but it is good to know though what options exist in case I decide to go into tech.
Would I personally take a student beyond any limit set by PADI, not me.
Sometimes I do think though that there are instances where someone can consider diving beyond the license in their pocket though. E.g. a certified open-water diver with 250 dives that would like to see that pygme-seahorse at 23m (yes I have come across these people). Or going down to look at a wreck at 50meters, guided by two instructors (both on twin-tanks plus safety tank hanging from boat) that have done the (super well planned and briefed) dive >100 times before.
Does it make me super irresponsible if I weigh the situation carefully and judge for myself whether a specific situation (and more important the right super-vision) is safe enough for me to go a bit beyond my training? Some will say yes, others will argue the other side. For those that answer yes, just think about other situations where you might do the same (read judge a situation to be safe, even though it is not allowed officially), e.g. have you never Jay-walked? I'm not trying to get a whole discussion started on whether black = black and white = white and whether or not the rules should always be obeyed, I just want to show that not everyone makes the same decision at any given time. Do I believe I have enough information to make a sound decision at this moment with the information at hand, absolutely not...
Yet again I am grateful for the constructive answer and tips that have been given so far. It is great to have so much knowledge concentrated in one place.