Dive-site -- Great Hammerheads 
Please follow the same link as mentioned above (
Dive Sites Rangiroa, French Polynesia | Tiputa Pass and Avatoru Pass), but than look at "the Run":
The run : This is a very deep dive which is done only by the most experienced of divers. It is done at the mouth of the pass and is generally done in January, February and March during our great hammerhead season. The dive can reach depths between 150 and 180 feet. There are also schools of rays which frequent this site. This dive like the others ends after you drift into the interior of the lagoon and decompress.
That is the main reason for going there: Great Hammerheads in season

. Sure chances are not great even in season, but you cannot blame us for trying...
Dive-center answers made my decision easier 
The more comments come in though and the more reading I'm doing one things comes to mind more and more:
- Is it worth (money, effort etc) doing Tec courses for only a couple of dives where the extra certificate will provide extra depth / length?
The answers of the dive-centers (see below for extracts of the answers) decided for me, 3 out of 4 dive-centers mentioned that diving to great depths is not necessary to actually enjoy all that Rangiroa has to offer.
Although there are options if you would like to go deeper. Also without full certification, as you follow the CMAS model and you are under supervision of a CMAS Instructor, which allows you to go deeper than PADI would allow for. Not sure if following a CMAS instructor would allow a limited amount of DECO as well?
Extract from dive-center answers
As promised a couple of the responses from the dive-schools to my simple two questions:
"My girlfriend and I are both PADI Instructor (inc. deep/nitrox specialty instructor) certified. I have two main questions:
- What is depth limit for us when diving with you?
- What is the decompression time that is allowed when diving with you?"
Dive center 1:
Whatever your level is you will have to follow the 45m deep maximum, 55 minutes maximum including the safety stop, and you should have 50 bars in your bottle when the dive ends.
Dive center 2:
In French polynesia, the maximum depth is 60 m
With the experienced divers we dive around 55 m maximum, usually we don't dive under 50 m.
Time of decompression it depends on the diver's experience and ability.
Dive center 3:
PADI instructors at xxxx centers are limited to 49 meters. For the deep diving we use nitrox 27% and a maximum of 15 minutes decompression with computer Suunto ( conservative computer).
We organize 1 deep dive per day, the rest of the dives will be 30mt depth, Nitrox 32% without deco and we stay on the no decompression limit.
Dive center 4:
[FONT=&]As a Padi instructor, the max limit is 60m for French Polynesia Regulation, diving under the responsibility of a French instructor.
[FONT=&]But usually, we plan deep dive around 40m, which is enough to enjoy the special seamarine life and activity at the entry of Tiputa Pass, specially the wall of grey reef sharks. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]By this way, no decompression dive. We follow the information of the computer, and could appreciate the dive with comfort and safety. [/FONT]
[FONT=&]Sometimes, we plan deco dive for French divers (
) but by our experience, its not necessary ;-)[/FONT]