What I think would be REALLY interesting is an analysis of IS that decouples on-gassing and off-gassing rates. E.g. Instead of a 4-minute compartment, which is defined to be one that goes halfway from current pressure to (a higher) ambient in 4 minutes and then halfway from it's current down to a lower ambient in 4 minutes, maybe the compartment has an on-gassing half-life of 4 minutes, but an off-gassing half-life of 5 minutes.
Like a Suunto? Some of the navy ones too.
You REALLY should read the long and bitter deep stops threads on RB World, TDF (maybe also Yorkshire Divers) and a bit here. Ross (who is usually rossh) and supporters made a lot of arguments against IS and how it is calculated and they were demolished (maybe a bit strong) by various people. The coloured heat map style representation of saturation you see in Subsurface comes from graphics used to make some of the points. While it might have looked like an awful internet argument I found it helpful for my own understanding and I am grateful to Simon for putting the effort in.
A thing programmers need to be careful of is thinking in too much detail about the model. The model is only a model, it is not the thing.