And that's the problem. Some people don't pick up context. I've said this before in another thread that the term NDL is the problem because it is misleading. It implies, if you take the term literally, that you will not decompress if you stay within the limit. I offered the term NSL "No Stop Limit". Although more accurate the term isn't complete. It should be NMSL for "No Mandatory Stop Limit". This eliminates the confusion over safety stops which are not mandatory stops.He also uses the phrase "deco dive" to mean one with a mandatory decompression stop, in contrast to a "no-stop" dive. (See for example, Myth #2.) In other words, he uses it both ways. It's clear from context when he uses "decompression" as a synonym for off-gasing.
For recreational divers the problem with deco stops besides trying to hold a fixed depth in the water is the additional gas planning involved. You have to make sure you have enough gas to complete the mandatory deco stops. Recreational divers generally do not get this training.