Date: 12/7/05
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores/Ave de la Playa
Time: 7:18pm
Bottom Time: 1 hr 10min
Max Depth:93 ft
Vis: 25-30 ft
Wave height: 1 ft
Temp at depth: 53F Brrrrr!!!!!
Decided to go lion nudi hunting again after being so successful on Sunday, but this time I tried my luck with a night dive. Headed out to the water after resolving leaky octo issues and was happily surprised to see a fairly calm ocean waiting for us. The surface was glassy and swell-less which made for an easy surface swim out. Descended in 39ft, near the rim of the canyon and headed down to the 90 ft range to search for the lions and after 5 min or so, I spotted 2 lion nudis on a blade of kelp, along with their eggs. Within minutes, we saw another 2 and a free swimming one... of course none of my pics came out.
Also spotted a cuthona divae, several dendronotus frondosus, 3 dirona pictas, 1 black dorid, the usual assortment of flabellina pricei (they're common at the shores), many Cali sea slugs, and 1 laila cockerelli. Great nudi night!!! There was an abundance of horn sharks ranging from tiny babies to adults, along with many rays- including one massive butterfly ray that had to be at LEAST 4 ft wide!! Besides the ray and the nudis, the highlight of the dive was seeing my first squid! Bioluminescence was back, vis was amazing, the ocean was calm, and critters were everywhere- you can't beat that kind of diving!! Simply awesome!
Picture quality is terrible due to camera "issues"...
whatchoo talkin' about willis?
squid, with it's egg
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores/Ave de la Playa
Time: 7:18pm
Bottom Time: 1 hr 10min
Max Depth:93 ft
Vis: 25-30 ft
Wave height: 1 ft
Temp at depth: 53F Brrrrr!!!!!
Decided to go lion nudi hunting again after being so successful on Sunday, but this time I tried my luck with a night dive. Headed out to the water after resolving leaky octo issues and was happily surprised to see a fairly calm ocean waiting for us. The surface was glassy and swell-less which made for an easy surface swim out. Descended in 39ft, near the rim of the canyon and headed down to the 90 ft range to search for the lions and after 5 min or so, I spotted 2 lion nudis on a blade of kelp, along with their eggs. Within minutes, we saw another 2 and a free swimming one... of course none of my pics came out.

whatchoo talkin' about willis?

squid, with it's egg