DCS - saw it 1st time in my life

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Cousin Itt
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Warsaw, Poland
# of dives
200 - 499
It all happened in Egypt – Sharm el Sheikh on Sunday, 15th 2004

68 years old diver with high blood pressure. Last time he dived 2 years ago. Sunday was his first day after he flew to Egypt and the first dive after 2 years.

He was diving with unknown to me center but they were on our boat. The center doesn’t have its own boats and it’s recommended by one of Polish tour operators. So we found on our boat a group of Poles - 8 diviers, some “intros”, snorkels, Egyptian DM and a Polish girl working as a translator and a guide for the group (but not UW). She in fact claimed to be Rescue and diving for 9 years. I saw her UW and it’s hard to believe this because she was worse than I and this is really an achievement to be worse that me.

Generally they were a strange group. Made a horrible mess on the boat, so when we asked her to tell them to keep their stuff in their boxes as well as not to take something they miss from somebody else’s boxes - she answered that she’s not responsible for these people. It’s the DM that’s responsible.

First dive was Jackson reef. Place known for currents so sometimes it’s better to go deeper. You can dive from both sides of the reef – one is a bit more boring and overcrowded, the second much nicer but with stronger currents.
We were diving separately with our DM. So I don’t know exactly the guy’s final profile of the dive. We were entering water as the first group. Because we had fresh OWD divers with us we decided to go to the easier part of the reef.

Then we had something like 2 hours on the surface. We ate lunch and moved to other dive site. When I came back from the second dive – I finished diving a bit earlier than usual because I was caught by a strong current so my buddy and I used more air than normally.

When I got back to the boat I’ve heard that somebody is not feeling well. I immediately undressed and went into the cabin.
As a fresh Rescue I asked what’s going on. Guy was complaining about the headache. I checked his pulse and heart beat rate. At least from this point of view the guy was stable. So I checked whether he has any numbness in fingers. And he had. So I told the boat crew that we need oxygen. In this moment my DM came back. I told him everything and….

It came out that there is no oxygen on the boat. I couldn’t believe it especially that day before it was in its standard place (which on this boat is captain’s cabin). So I went to have a look again – I knew I checked it day before. It was not there….

Later on we found out what happened. Boat crew was cleaning the cabins, so they took out the tank and put it on the platform together with other empty tanks. Another person taking the tanks to be refilled by mistake took also the oxygen. And didn’t bring it back next day morning.

Thanks God couple of minutes later another boat came, we took their oxygen and supplied it to the guy. Meantime his DM came back. On the second dive the guy and his buddy (which was the girl I mentioned) ascended too quickly. When they surfaced she – as his buddy – asked him whether he is OK, he replied OK, so she left him and descended again!!!!!

When his buddy and DM came I told them that he has DCS. Especially that some symptoms were increasing – such as numbness. And I told that it was probably because of the too fast ascend. The girl (claims to be a Rescue) told me – You don’t get DCS from ascending too quickly!!!!
Wow, who gave her OWD????

His DM on the other hand was telling us – it’s nothing, the guy is panicking, maybe he had a headache because the air in the tank was not 100% clean….

So I talked to my DM. He was thinking exactly the same – we have to call SAR immediately. We are almost 2 hours away from the chamber and the guy has to go to the chamber as fast as possible. So we told his DM – we are calling for SAR.
NO, there is no need for that, DM replied. You are exaggerating, added.
The main reason for such behaviour is that diving center and the guide whose divers ends in the chamber are investigated after the accident. If they made a serious mistake they may loose the licence.

My DM looked at him went out of the cabin and called SAR.
But meantime guy started to have other symptoms – and it was a rush. First I saw something strange on his feet – and I said – it looks like DCS rush. His DM and the girl were telling – no, it looks like he touched coral. I said – No, this is DCS, listen – was trying to convince them – guy has DCS. 10 minutes later the rush was also on his belly and hands. I think that at that point at least his DM realized that it was DCS.

This was the first time I saw Egyptian SAR dealing with diving accident. I saw them when was the plane catastrophe but that was a different thing. They came by the speed boat in 15 minutes!!!!! Absolutely professional, with MD already on board, oxygen etc.

When preparing all the info for the Chamber we found out that guy has a high blood pressure and forgot to take medicines in the morning. And he doesn’t remember the name of the medicine he’s taking. It was also this moment I found out that on the first dive he went down 32 meters, second was around 25 – 25 meters. He was also not insured – a lot of Poles are so stupid – they think “why should I spend 70 Euro per year if I’m diving only once a year in Egypt”. The cost of chamber, transport and hospital would be around 2 up to 5 thousand US $ (400 US$ per hour of chamber).

After this I asked his DM how could you take a guy of his age and after such long break in diving for his first dive down to 32 meters? Well, he said, you know, the side of the reef you took is not that nice as the other so I went with them on the other side. And because of the currents we had to go deep.
What an idiot!!!!! It’s a common knowledge that the other side is a very difficult dive and you don’t take CMAS P1 (which is OWD) there, not mentioning all the other factors mentioned above.

What was also interesting. After seeing all of this divers from this group came to my DM and asked if the next day they could dive with my diving center. They also asked about the prices. My diving center is more expensive than this one. And you know what – only 1 guy decided to dive with us. The others stayed with this center and this particular DM!!!!!

Don’t tell me that people are not stupid – they are.

One of my friends told me yesterday that the guy probably got DCS right after the first dive but simply the symptoms were shown after the second dive.

He ended in the chamber for 2 hours. Before SAR reached chamber he already was loosing feeling in his legs. On Sunday he spent another 2 hours. On Monday I think it was another 2 hours. On Tuesday I talked (although honestly it shouldn’t be me) to the chamber chief ( I met the guy privately couple of times) he told me that the guy barely made it.

So now some conclusions:
1. as for me lesson learned – never assume that if you saw an oxygen on the boat the day before that it’s still there. Check it every time you enter the boat
2. for the rest of you – don’t dive with the diving centers recommended by normal tourist agent. The tour operators have no clue about diving and very often they pick up the cheapest diving center. Consult other divers, use the centers recommended by good divers.
3. the cheapest diving center in so many cases means not the best one
4. whatever it costs, doesn’t matter how often you dive - get insured
5. use your own mind. If a DM or Instructor takes you for a dive you know you shouldn’t do simply say now or abort the dive.
6. If you have problems with health, are taking medications consult diving MD or DAN.
7. Last but not least – remember Red Sea is not an aquarium. It’s a serious sea, with very strong currents, very deep, and accidents do happen there.
PS. As the title of the thread - it was the first time in my life I saw DCS

I believe that you did very well. You probably saved the guys life. Applause!
WOW! Hope all involved with this screw up are out of the diving business for good. Good Job!
Great report(s) and well done M!!!
Somehow I doubt it, but I hope so. That was a very nasty chain of events...one blunder after another followed by a DM who didn't want to get in trouble. Sad really. But don't feel too badly about the O2, that was your charter's responsibility to take care of making sure it was back on the boat, though I too would normally check. Well done and safe diving :)
Thanks for the report. I really appreciate you posting such a detailed report or your experience. You never know when someone reading this will be presented with a similar experience and it will trigger their brain that "hey this may be DCS"
Well done Mania.... I have read alot about DCS.. have never seen it...

Your report gives us a bit more insight... You probably saved this man's life...
I have read alot about DCS.. have never seen it...
The same with me. I read about, saw some pictures of the rash, I'm not medically trained ( in the sense I haven't finished any medical school) and so on. Simply from logical point of view crossed my mind that it could be DCS, not simple headache and rash from corals. In this case several symptoms shown together so maybe this is why it was easier. I wouldn't be that convinced if the guy had only rash and that's it. Or only numbness in fingers (although this was the first thing I checked remembering neurological symptoms).
So thanks for kind words from all of you but I still think it was a pure chance deciding on DCS. Now, after seeing it - at least these symptoms it would be easier, no doubt about it.
Good Job,
But I did get offended by this comment
a lot of Poles are so stupid
Maby it should be changed to alot of people. Poles are no more stupid than other nationalities
A dive to 32m for someone in poor condition and who hasnt dived for 2 years should never have been allowed.

Im fairly young and not too unfit but if i hadnt dived for 2 years id never consider going to 32m, hell i think 10m would do me. You cant just jump in and assume all skills are polished and ready to go.

Was this guy doing a deco dive or was it a no stop within NDLs and just a rapid ascent ? Any idea of his profile ?

Checking a boat actually has an O2 kit should be something everyone does before travelling.

Im looking at our 7l stage containing 100% O2 and the kit in my room now, its ugly, it takes up space but at least whoever takes our boats out from the club has access to it :). Better to use it anyway and discover it wasnt needed than not to use it and discover it was.

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