Takeaways - Be very careful about repetitive diving in a mixed air group where you are the only air breather and there is no other check on the performance of your dive computer. Request that the dive guide/leader uses the same gas mix as the most restrictive person in the group (might get some blowback on that). If you have to be the 'tail end charlie' set the P value on your computer to the most conservative value and don't repetitively dive close to limits . If you have more than one computer decide on actions in the event of alarms etc before you get in the water. Get EAN/Nitrox qualified so you always have the option.
Safe Diving. Alan
I'm glad that it was only a minor hit. But I fail to see why a takeaway is that you should be careful about repetitive diving in a mix gas group. I also fail to see why you guide should use air if there is a person using air and the rest are on nitrox.
Apologies if someone else said it first, but the main issue is that you rode your NDL too closely and ended up taking a hit for it. You should have buddied up with someone and explained that you are on air and that you would be the limiting factor in terms of NDL. Then you should have added more conservatism into your dive plan given the fact that you already had two deeper dives that day. I don't know anything about your physical condition, age, etc., but that should be a factor as well in your planning. Since you had a second computer blaring at you to do a deco stop, you most definitely should have done that. But even without that backup computer, when you hit 10 mins of NDL remaining, you could have signaled to your buddy to shallow up and continue diving. You would have been off-gassing and basically doing a on-the-fly deco stop.
I've gone diving on nitrox with people on air, and vice-versa. I've also been on nitrox that was more or less rich than my buddy's. You monitor your own NDL, air time, depth, etc. and signal to your buddy when you have to make alterations in order to accommodate those metrics.
Definitely get nitrox certified, but don't make the mistake in the future of riding your NDL then either. That doesn't make you any safer.