I would never set my computer to air when on EANx - the partial pressures are very different and in the case of severe DCI hyperbaric medical staff should usually be downloading your dive profile from your computer to ascertain exactly what did go wrong. It will make their job potentially harder (and delay treatment) if equipment isn't being used correctly. EANx32 has a pp of 1.6 at 40m/130ft, most people do go for the more conservative pp of 1.4 for an extra safety margin (I hope that I am teaching you to suck eggs and do apologise) Air has a pp of 1.6 at just over 60m/200ft. BSAC limits air diving to 50m/160ft as an additional safety measure and to prevent divers incurring massive safety stops.
Sometimes, it is the nature of the beast in diving that these things will occur, no matter how safely we dive. I would recommend taking a day off every 4 days of diving, and making sure that my 4th day of diving is much easier and shallower than the 1st. Residual nitrogen build up is a pain in the proverbial!!
The main thing to take away is that you are alive and ok, and getting the correct treatment.
Happy diving