Good point on the timing, didn't pay attention to that but yeah there's a possibility of getting there and finding things are too kicked up and the boats aren't even going to Bloody Bay. Not that diving the other side of the island is a bad thing, actually folks who have had lots of opportunities to dive BB might consider it a good thing - it's just not usually what people who read about Little Cayman and are on their first visit are going for.
But my take on day trips like this anyplace is, sometimes it makes sense if the logistics work AND it's really worth giving up whatever you would have been doing otherwise. But going to lots of expense, to jump through serious logistical hoops (when it's even possible), while giving up the possibility of doing more pretty good dives from where you're based, rarely makes sense. Bloody Bay is some very nice diving for the Caribbean, but there is plenty of good diving on Grand too as long as you pick the right areas.