Dangerous gear?

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The U.S. Navy recognizes and trains its scuba
divers in positive buoyancy emergency ascent
procedures. The U.S. Navy (1973) states, “the
principal function (referring to the scuba diver's life
preserver or buoyancy vest) is to assist a diver in
rising to the surface and to maintain him on the
surface in a head-up position.” On page 5-37 of U.S.
Navy (1973) specific instructions for emergency
ascent include, “After dropping all heavy objects and
the weight belt, activate the life preserver and surface
immediately.” The new U.S. Navy Diving Manual
does not appear to place the same hazard emphasis
on the positive buoyancy ascent as previous editions.
In U.S. Navy (1970) it states, “Use positive buoyancy
ascent only to resolve a life or death
situation, and no other. Otherwise, swim to the surface.


7-8.1 Emergency Free-Ascent Procedures. If a diver is suddenly without air or if the SCUBA is entangled and the dive partner cannot be reached quickly, a free ascent must be made. Guidelines for a free ascent are: 1. Drop any tools or objects being carried by hand.

2. Abandon the weight belt.

3. If the SCUBA has become entangled and must be abandoned, actuate the quick-release buckles on the waist, chest, shoulder, and crotch straps. Slip an arm out of one shoulder strap and roll the SCUBA off the other arm. An alternate method is to flip the SCUBA over the head and pull out from underneath. Ensure that the hoses do not wrap around or otherwise constrict the neck. The neck straps packed with some single-hose units can complicate the overhead procedure and should be disconnected from the unit and not used.

4. If the reason for the emergency ascent is a loss of air, drop all tools and the weight belt and actuate the life preserver to surface immediately. Do not drop the SCUBA unless it is absolutely necessary.

5. If a diver is incapacitated or unconscious and the dive partner anticipates difficulty in trying to swim the injured diver to the surface, the partner should activate the life preserver or inflate the buoyancy compensator. The weight belt may have to be released also. However, the partner should not lose direct contact with the diver.

6. Exhale continuously during ascent to let the expanding air in the lungs escape freely.

This procedure remains largely unchanged in Revision 6 (2008).

I still have my early 80s BCD with CO2 cartridge. I don't recall this as being taught as a surface only thing. It may not add much gas at depth, but if you are neutral and pull the chord, you will go. You would go up ditching weight too...
I'm afraid to pull the pins...

Thanks, Captain. That's a great document!

“Use positive buoyancy
ascent only to resolve a life or death
situation, and no other. Otherwise, swim to the surface."

This makes sense.

So it seems this is just another situation where the civilian surface-only doctrine is an indication of a lack of training and/or a lack of trust in a recreational diver's ability to dependably apply the proper procedure.

Is there any special procedure for controlling the ascent as the CO2 expands other than manipulating the mouthpiece valve? Perhaps compressing the bladder with an arm to aid exhausing excess gas? Can such an ascent even reasonably be controlled with such large CO2 cartridges as the Navy uses?
On the other side of this coin:

L AFÈRE P, G ERMONPRÉ P, B ALESTRA C. Pulmonary barotrauma in
divers during emergency free ascent training: review of 124 cases .
Aviat Space Environ Med 2009; 80: 371 – 5 .
Introduction: Experience from treating diving accidents indicates that
a large proportion of divers suffering from pulmonary barotraumas (PBT)
or arterial gas embolism (AGE) were engaged in training dives, specifi -
cally emergency free ascent (EFA). We tried to verify this relationship
and to calculate, if possible, the risk associated with normal recreational
dives, training dives, and EFA training dives. Methods: All diving acci-
dents treated at the Centre for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Brussels,
Belgium) from January 1995 until October 2005 were reviewed. Data on
the average number of dives performed and the proportion of in-water
skills training dives were obtained from the major Belgian dive associa-
tions. Results: A total of 124 divers were treated, of whom 34 (27.4%)
were diagnosed with PBT. Of those, 20 divers (58.8%) had symptoms of
AGE. In 16 of those, EFA training exercise was deemed responsible for
the injury. The association between EFA training and PBT proved to be
very signifi cant, with an odds ratio of 11.33 (95% confi dence interval:
2.186 to 58.758). It was possible to calculate that a training dive (0.456
to 1.36/10,000) carries a 100 to 400 times higher risk, and an ascent
training dive (1.82 to 5.46/10,000 dives) a 500 to 1500 times higher risk
for PBT than a non-training dive (0.0041 to 0.0043/10,000 dives).
Discussion: This study confi rms a signifi cant association between EFA
training dives and the occurrence of PBT.
Keywords: diving , scuba , arterial gas embolism , training safety .
tained, but the training agencies (PADI, NAUI, SSI,

Permit me please to criticize that paper from two perspectives:
  1. The classic no-denominator error is clearly displayed here. Training dives are more dangerous than non-training dives in terms of having a AGE as the outcome and ascent training is even more dangerous on that basis than a plain old training dive; so the numbers say. But how much more dangerous? The authors would have you believe 100 to 400 times higher risk and 500 to 1500 times higher risk respectively. But without a accurate assessment of how many training and non-training dives were conducted and how many non-ascent training dives were done as well as how many ascent training dives, the numbers are, IMHO, guesswork.
  2. In the 100 hr. Scripps Model course the average student performs in excess of 50 free ascents during training since they are integrated into the basic exercises. There has never been an AGE accident during over 50 years of such training. So either these students are anatomically or physiologically different, or their training (which by the numbers derived by the authors should result in between 91 and 273 such incidents per 10,000 dives) is somehow "better." We can dismiss the idea of anatomical or physical differences out of hand; so that just leaves the latter: training procedural differences. I leave it to you to figure out what it is that that recreational community is doing wrong here.
Thalissamania, that is a very good critique of the paper. I posted it because it was mentioned in the 2010 DAN Diver Fatalities Workshop. You can download the Complete Proceedings of the DAN Diver Fatalities Workshop too. Rapid ascents are mentioned prominently in these proceedings.

But, the U.S. Navy Underwater Swimmers School did train us in buoyant ascents. They did it much the same as is depicted in this website from the UK titled Pressurised Escape Training (Buoyant Exhaling Ascent). Look at the third from the left, top row, and then follow the link for the video.

Duckbill, one thing to remember is that the Navy's mission is much different than that of the sport diving community. They needed to train us for circumstances that the general diving public will never experience, such as submarine escape and combat operations. To do so, they actually expect to have some amount of injuries from the training. This is because the Navy trains divers to work in the areas that the general public doesn't get into at all. These include submarine rescue, ship bottom searches, underwater demolition, salvage, etc. During our training, for instance, we received oxygen toxicity testing; they took us to 60 feet (as I remember) in a chamber and we put on masks which were fed pure oxygen to see whether we convulsed at that depth (I'm sure there was also medical supervision of this activity). The U.S. Navy Diving Manual, March 1970 states:
(i) All divers should receive free-ascent training at one of the submarine-escape training tanks when possible. Under no circumstances will this training be conducted at other activities unless a recompression chamber is readily available and the training is under the direct supervision of a diving officer and submarine medical officer assisted by well-qualified instructors in free-ascent techniques.
U.S. Navy Diving Manual, March 1970, F-C Selection, Qualification, and Training of Personnel, page 663
The U.S. Navy was aware of the hazard of this activity, but also realized the importance of it for Naval operations.

What I do not want to see is someone reading these posts, and saying that (s)he should practice a buoyant ascent on his or her own. This can be very dangerous.

I have done this type of exercise, on my own in open water and it formed the basis for a paper I wrote, presented and published in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Underwater Education (IQ6) (October 4-6, 1974, pages 317-324A) titled "The Life Vest." I did simulated buoyant ascents from 30 feet in Clear Lake, Oregon using full scuba gear to gain experience with the life vest inflated with a CO2 inflator for the buoyant ascent--it does provide a good buoyant ascent using a 16 gram cartridge. ALL BUOYANT ASCENTS WERE BREATH-HOLD DIVES TO 30 FEET TO PRECLUDE BREATHING AIR UNDER PRESSURE, AND THE POSSIBILITY OF AN OVERPRESSURE ACCIDENT. This is the only safe way to do a buoyant ascent. In this paper I described what I then called the "Raised Elbow Technique" for attaining the surface face-up rather than face-down. Raise one arm/elbow above the head during the ascert, and the body will automatically turn face-up. I also tested a number of hypotheses about the life vest and scuba gear as to whether the diver would remain face-up or not. This paper may still be available through NAUI, or I can make a copy (I still have mine).

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Thanks for that, John.

I do understand the risks involved. I don't understand, however, how the mission or occupation underway before the need for an emergency ascent arises changes the physics involved, except in the case of escaping from a vessel containg surface pressure rather than ambient pressure, the bends not being as big a concern in that case.
I maintain that experience has shown that ascent training can be conducted, not without risk, but with complete safety and that failure by the agencies to teach and qualify their instructors in the ways to do so is very, very wrong.
We have strayed a bit from the "dangerous gear" thread title, but this is kinda important so I'll try to bring it back together.

I've been thinking back over my diving history, and remember that when I was trained by LA County in 1963 (give or take a year), we had an open water emergency swimming ascent that we needed to do to complete our course. We had already been in a pool session where the instructor took a weighted net over the top of us (as a buddy team) and dropped it onto both of us. We needed to get away from that net by helping each other. So the emergency swimming ascent was not a big deal from about 30 feet. I've already mentioned the buoyant ascent in the Navy, but not the pool harassment that we went through to graduate too. The Navy instructors would do almost anything to get us to surface--the first thing both me and my buddy did was to hand them our masks just so they wouldn't have them to pull off. This is a far cry from today's diving instruction, and I'm reminded that in the U.S. Navy School for Underwater Swimmers, we needed to complete: one dive to 50 to 70 feet for 10 minutes; one dive 70-130 feet for five minutes; and two day scuba compass swims (1,000 yards and 1500 yards). We had a lot of practice swims that were shorter, starting at 500 yards. We had to do zero visibility dives, and put a bunch of bolts and nuts together while on that dive. We were at the U.S. Navy School for Underwater Swimmers for three weeks continuously (10 hours/day, 5 days/week for 3 weeks is about 150 hours of training). Compare this to a NAUI 1975 course, in which the "Minimum course duration is 27 hours. Of this time, 16 hours or more are to be in-water activities, and the remainder is to be spent in classroom/lecture activities. Of the time spent in water activities, at least 2 hours are to be in open water; the balance of the water time may be in open water or pool..." Open water skills included "...3) With scuba equipment: clear mask and mouthpiece, buddy breathe, alternate between snorkel and scuba and make a controlled emergency swimming ascent" (NAUI Instructor Manual, 3/1973, page 2.1d-1-3 8/75). So the emergency swimming ascent was still taught in 1975 when I was an instructor.

However, contrast this with the U.S. Navy, whose main purpose was not to provide an "enjoyable" experience, but to produce Navy divers by selecting out those who were unfit, who could not stand the physical and psychological harassment (ever done pushups with twin 90s on your back, or laying on your twin 90s face up, doing flutter kicks with a mask full of water?), or who decided they just did not want to be Navy divers. We swam and ran for hours, usually under some psychological harassment (the physical pain was self-evident). Now, I still do my doff and don drills in our local pool, which is a competition diving pool 18 feet deep. I routinely doff and surface, which is the equivalent of an emergency swimming ascent. So I completely agree with Thalassamania that these skills can and should be taught.

Duckbill, the emergency swimming ascent physics does not change. It is different, however, from a buoyant ascent. In an emergency swimming ascent the diver controls how rapidly (s)he ascends. In a buoyant ascent, there is no such control. The physiology is more important than the physics, in that the "blow and go" concept can actually cause a problem. With 'blow and go" if too much air is blown out, the risk is to shut down the broncheoli (SP?--the small tube running to the air sac). If this is pinched off, there can be an over-inflation of the lung in this particular area even though the main lungs are exhaling air. This is one reason the Navy wants a doctor available and a chamber available for this training. The other difference is in the personnel that the Navy has to work with, who are young, passed a rigorous diving physical, have been physically conditioning for weeks (perhaps, like us USAF types, months), and were in pretty much top condition to dive. Dr. Stanley Miles wrote a book some years ago titled Underwater Medicine. In it he gave the following formula for a diving accident:

A = CE (prf/tms), where A = accident, C = Chance, E = Environment, p = accident proneness, r = risk acceptance, f = physical factors, t = training, m = maturity, and s = safety measures.

While this is not from any safety professionals (we have other models), this is a useful construct. For the factors, the numerator is the ones which would tend to help cause an accident. Accident proneness is not an accepted safety area now, but some people are simply not as self-aware as others. Risk acceptance deals with what diving conditions we are willing to dive into, and how we dive. Here, for instance, we can talk about running out of air, which means that the diver has allowed the dive to progress to a point where low air is a possibility. This is what the DAN 2010 Fatality Workshop called the "trigger" to an emergency ascent, which can lead to air embolism and death. Physical factors are obvious; the regulator I mentioned involved in a fatal accident earlier in this thread was owned by a guy who was well over 250 pounds, and very, very out-of-shape. Both contributed to his accident and death.

On the other side is training, maturity and safety measures, decreasing the potential for an accident. This is the denominator of the equation, which when divided into the numerator decreases the factor. I noted above the difference in training time for the Navy divers verses the NAUI 1975 standard (150+ hours verses 27 hours minimum). This would tend to make the Navy divers safer divers, with more experience in the water and more self-awareness than a basic scuba diver. The maturity level is also greater in a U.S. Navy diver due to what that person has been through to get through the course. The instructors don't put up with much, and in order to graduate you must be pretty good in the water. Now we came to safety measures, and this is where the two types of divers can find parity. Recreational divers can have as many safety measures as Navy divers, and sometimes (combat, for instance) the Navy divers have even less and depend upon their training and watermanship to get through situations. But, recreational divers can have dangerous equipment too.

It is here that we can begin to get back to this thread's "Dangerous Equipment" area. Running out of air is one of the main dangers to recreational diving. The J-valve was used early on as a signal to divers that their air supply was about exhausted and they needed to surface. It could be bumped or inadvertently knocked down, thus giving the diver a false sense of security. This is why many of us who use J-valve reverse the lever action so that the lever is pointed forwards and not to the rear--it's harder to knock down in that position. Healthways came out with a restrictor orifice for their double hose SCUBA regulator, and also used in in their Scubair single hose regulator. At about 500 psig it would restrict the flow of air so the diver would know that he had to get to the surface when breathing got harder. But the restriction became worse when the diver had to dive deeper, so overhead diving was not allowed for this valve configuration. Then we got to the use of a submersible pressure gauge, and people either did not use the J-reserve valve anymore (electing to dive it with the reserve "down"), or whet to K-valves. But the SPG had a problem; in blacked-out water you could not see it (silted in, zero visibility, night), and did not then know how much air you had left. The use of a watch and depth gauge to determine air consumption rates was not taught anymore (from what I've heard), so there was no backup method of knowing about how much air was left in a tank. What I'm getting to, with a lot of words (my apologies) is that most gear, if not well understood, can become dangerous when a diver simply "assumes" that it works and doesn't understand why it works, and possible failure modes.

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Well, the thread did start to stray a bit and wander some.
My question was only why the Navy taught to deploy the CO2 at depth while the civilian side taught that deploying at depth can lead to an uncontrolled ascent (which is true). Either would be a 'buoyant ascent'. I was wondering how the Navy controlled the ascent with larger and often more numerous cartridges while the civilian diver usually only has a single, small cartridge that he is told not to deploy at depth. What I think I got from this is that apparently the Navy just expected to deal with the aftermath of an uncontrolled buoyant emergency ascent that a civilian would normally avoid.
Anyhow, I think I'll clear out to let the op topic continue.

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