O.K. So, why was (is) the Navy doing this, but the civies were taught the CO2 was only to be deployed at the surface?
The U.S. Navy recognizes and trains its scuba
divers in positive buoyancy emergency ascent
procedures. The U.S. Navy (1973) states, “the
principal function (referring to the scuba diver's life
preserver or buoyancy vest) is to assist a diver in
rising to the surface and to maintain him on the
surface in a head-up position.” On page 5-37 of U.S.
Navy (1973) specific instructions for emergency
ascent include, “After dropping all heavy objects and
the weight belt, activate the life preserver and surface
immediately.” The new U.S. Navy Diving Manual
does not appear to place the same hazard emphasis
on the positive buoyancy ascent as previous editions.
In U.S. Navy (1970) it states, “Use positive buoyancy
ascent only to resolve a life or death
situation, and no other. Otherwise, swim to the surface.