Several mixed experiences with DAN have been voiced here.
Yet, hundreds of thousands (?) of us continue to support, based on reported positive experiences of injured divers being promptly supported by calls to DAN Hotline.
Without real statistics, it is impossible to understand.
So how about this:
1. Per year, worldwide, how many times is DAN directly involved in diving incidents requiring transport and treatment?
Looking for a factual number of incidents annually, that require someone to pay money for transport/EMS/hospital/hyperbaric.
2. In how many of these incidents was proper treatment for a currently insured diver not received because nobody--including DAN--could (or wanted) to pay for it?
We would hope zero--but is it not zero?
3. What exactly prevents DAN from having workable billing relationships--or paying up front--for transport, EMS and hyperbaric medicine providers?
If an individual can "move money around to make it work"--while injured--then why does DAN pretend that it can't? They do actually have the money.
How much does DAN pay out annually, in total, worldwide, for covered direct costs of transport and treatment?
DAN reported about $12 million in revenue for 2022 (
public filing report), netting about a million in 'non-profit?' Almost half of expenses went to executive and employee compensation?--but I am not an expert at reading these reports.
I can not find in the public filings how much they paid out in claims or direct assistance--i.e. bills for transport, EMS, hospital, and hyperbaric.
So how much of the reported $8.5 million annual income in Program Services is paid out annually in direct payment or reimbursement of transport, EMS, hospital and hyperbaric costs?
Would love to see that as a statistical distribution of payouts per incident, with the total number of incidents noted.
You could almost guarantee that exists as an internal document?
Not trying to be unnecessarily critical here, or anti-DAN
But if I disappear for asking these questions ...