Dan Grenier lost at sea.

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It is understood, I think, that looking for an answer to *why* this happened is a natural response, as is anger. Sometimes both of these responses come across as blame and accusation, and it doesn't really do any good. I don't want to interfere, but maybe we could keep this thread for news, updates, and how to help with the search?
It is understood, I think, that looking for an answer to *why* this happened is a natural response, as is anger. Sometimes both of these responses come across as blame and accusation, and it doesn't really do any good. I don't want to interfere, but maybe we could keep this thread for news, updates, and how to help with the search?

I agree but given the shot taken at Mr Taylor I think he had a right to answer in kind.
Thanks for the pay pal tip Doc,tried to set up acct, but looks like they won't send money to Fiji-Working on it though.In the meantime,any one can send checks to: Dan and Danielle Rescue Fund,2441 Peach Ave,Fairfield ,Iowa,52556.Linda,Dan's very dear significant other-asked me to set up this fund last night.I hope that a search to the yasawa islands is launched today.Thanks everyone for your help,on behalf of the families.Russ and Chris England. saildivers@hotmail.com
Reward offered & a psychic consulted. But, guess it can't hurt.

"Family offers reward for missing Australian diver
Tuesday September 14, 2004

The family of an Australian diver reported missing in waters off Rakiraki is offering a reward for finding her.

Coreene Gibbons who is the sister of missing diver Danielle Gibbons says they decided to offer a reward based on information provided by a psychic who works with Australian police.

Gibbons says the psychic believes both Danielle and former US navy seal - Dan Greiner are still alive and need to be found as soon as possible.

Danielle and Greiner last went diving in the Vatu i Ra Passage about two weeks ago.

They were reported missing when they failed to show up after their dive.

Greiner owns a dive operating business on Nananu i Ra Island.

Gibbons is urging people to help locate the missing divers.

Source: Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Limited"

How very sad.

I can't believe that some of you people actually can call yourselves adults. This is not the time, nor the place to be placing blame on anyone.
There are only two people that actually know what has happened. And right now the most important thing is trying to find them. Not place blame on one of them.
"**** HAPPENS"
And bashing each other is not called for. This man is my uncle, one of my favorites. I am thousands of miles away, and this is the only way, me and other family members have to keep up with the search.
I for one, have been hurt by some of the things that have been said about Uncle Danny. And like I said, this is not the place to bash one another. If you have nothing nice to say, or anything to add of importance, the keep your response to yourself.
You are correct. Placing any blame is pointless and cruel. Dan and entire crew is fabulous. George took exceptionally good care of me at Beqa two years ago when I had a very bad migraine. At his own expense, he had his boat take me to Suva, to a Dr, returned me and when WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND in many ways. Regardless of the outcome of this terrible tragedy, accidents do happen, even with the best plans, actions, and practices. This is NO ONE's fault, it is a terrible accident. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire extended family.
To the Friends and Family of Dan,

For all of you who know Dan you are glad to spend time in his company. Dan always has a cheerful attitude towards life above and below the sea, he draws people close to himself with his upbeat attitude his contagious personality and his undying love for the sea. I am privileged to know him as many of you are. Dan is an adventurer and lives life to the fullest, he is kind and is always willing to lend a helping hand with questions concerning diving and always wants you to come and visit his resort in Fiji. For anyone to assume or imply that Dan would ever put any of his friends, family or guest in harms way when diving is ludicrous. He is a proficient experienced diver that I would trust with my life at any moment.

The implication that color of gear could of played a role is ridiculous. Yes a safety device as a safety tube or warning device is a necessity when drifting on the surface but when a problem arises under the water the color of your fins is as helpful as the safety tube. The comments and self-serving plugs against Dan’s ability that have been made through this site are mortifying and amazing to me.

I would like to thank all that have helped in the search for our friends. To Dan’s family we all miss him and I pray every night for his safe and speedy return.
The implication that color of gear could of played a role is ridiculous. Yes a safety device as a safety tube or warning device is a necessity when drifting on the surface but when a problem arises under the water the color of your fins is as helpful as the safety tube. The comments and self-serving plugs against Dan’s ability that have been made through this site are mortifying and amazing to me.


I think it's a little too late to provoke responses with this statement, regarding a very sad story (there is already a thread open on this subject). Let's all hope they are found, and found soon. The lack of proper search & rescue methods still amaze me...........
You are correct. Placing any blame is pointless and cruel. Dan and entire crew is fabulous. George took exceptionally good care of me at Beqa two years ago when I had a very bad migraine. At his own expense, he had his boat take me to Suva, to a Dr, returned me and when WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND in many ways. Regardless of the outcome of this terrible tragedy, accidents do happen, even with the best plans, actions, and practices. This is NO ONE's fault, it is a terrible accident. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire extended family.
The search has picked up steam since yesterday.The focus is now a few uninhabited islands in the Yasawas near where Danielle's BC and tank with reg attached, was found.No signs of shark involvement,and the BC and tank may have been dumped in order to get over the reef there(or other possibilities abound).But it did require the efforts of a dive resort in the Yasawas and sending more money outtoday from the states for gas.The search is also going focus on the coast of Viti Levu across from the Yasawas.Keep positive and lets not get divided.No one Knows how this will turn out yet.Only a united response will help bring them home to thier families.Godwilling...Saildiver.

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