Dan Grenier lost at sea.

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Just one more question...the bc was found? Was it opened normally? It was floating on the top? Just curious about the latest.
can someone tell me where I can find the most current status of the search? is this it?
Just got off the phone with Brad Doane-no report yet on search in Yasawas where BC, tank,and reg(Danielle's)were found on eastern edge of these isles.The BC had been opened,with no evidence of shark involvement-suggesting it may have been ditched intentionally.Although,I cant pretend to know what happened-I and others who know Dan feel he likely would not have ditched his gear unless he had to to make land,ie,to get over a reef pounded with waves,orto be able to swim faster.There are a few more islands that need searching andmany more miles of coastilne on Viti Levu.The search effort is still quite small though,without $.But some interesting things may be happening from those of us who have contacted congressmen-they are contacting Fiji from reports from Fiji,and our own senator and govenor were contacted and said they would help all they could.....................If any one is willing,i'd like you to do the following ,1.)Recontact your congressman and tell him that they still need more help-be specific-we need boats, planes, funding and if possible,search and rescue aid from our own US Coast Guard or at least liason help and equipmment to help the private search-even though this was previously not granted when requested earlier in the the search. 2.)Remind them of Dan's 4 yrs service in the US Marine Corp in Viet Nam. 3.)finding the BC is probably a more positive than negative sign of their continued survival-and that this also narrows down the area that needs searching in more depth-and that some of this area has not been or barely looked at.Remind them that Fiji is a poor country with limited resources and they need our help to find a US citizen. 4.)Remind them that Dan's survival skills are extremely competent and that he could easily keep himself and Danielle alive on an island or piece of inaccessable coastline for this long. 5.)Feel free to send this as an sttchment to anyone that you think may help. 6.)and this part is optional-but I've been told (second hand from a very reliable souce ) that Danielle's family contacted a psychic who says they are still alive,but that Dannielle has a wound infection that Dan is caring for.???......I just know that its too early too stop in light of all the above-I know in my heart that Dan would NOT stop now if the search was for you or I.Our hearts and prayers stay with Dan and Danielle,their loving families and loving friends around the world. Saildivers......................."Ask not what your country can do for you-but what you can do for your country." JFK
Hi everyone,

My name is Janet (Grenier) Akers. I am Dan's sister. My Family and I want to thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers. I can't begin to tell you what we are going through right now. But then, I think you know. The not knowing is so hard. We all feel so helpless because we are so far away. Danny truly loves his diving. and knowing my brother like I do, I know he is doing everything he can to keep them both alive. Our family has been calling and sending e-mails to the government to try and get our country moving on this. If everyone of you could do the same, we will find them. Time is running out. Please write or call your governor, senator, congressman, anyone you can think of to keep the search going. I really think the more we get the word out, the more chance we have of being heard. I think we should get anybody and everybody that we know to contact the embassies (US, Fiji, Australian) to let them know that we have not given up. Once again, thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and support. Together we WILL bring them home.

Hi everyone,

Once again, thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and support. Together we WILL bring them home.


Everyday I remember Dan despite I never met him - All the things that have been said about him - love of diving, always helping others, never give up about anything - makes us want to be a diver like him.

I truly hope that someone will find both of them alive. My prayers are with them and their family.
Hello everyone. Danielle is my son's sister in law, and I have been following the news on Dan and Danielle with intense interest and sadness. Like Janet, Danielle's family are also going through this nightmare and I can only add to Janet's thanks for your thoughts and prayers for both. It is the not knowing which makes it so much more difficult for everyone involved. We too have not yet given up hope and so much appreciate all the effort which has gone into finding them. Thank you. Vicky Marquis

Your story could not be more exact in describing Dan. I am lucky enough to have married into his family. He is my husbands Uncle. I met Dan about 12 years ago for the first time and he made the same impression on me. I loved him even more every time we were forturnate enough to spend time with him. He is an incredibly friendly, loving, generous, kind person. Even though he was so far away, he tried very hard to make sure that he would visit us in Michigan when he would make his way to Chicago each year. We all loved hearing about his adventures in Fiji.

I can remember about 4 years ago, when our daughter Breanna (Nana Banana, as Uncle Danny would call her) was about one. She had just met him for the first time and she just wouldn't leave him alone. Even at one year old, she knew how kind and gentle he was and she just wanted to hang out with her new friend.

Just this past 4th of July, Dan was visiting Chicago and decided to surprise his nephews, Tommy and Brian with a visit. He drove from Chicago to meet us at our vacation spot in Port Austin, Michigan to spend some more time with his family. It was a great time. Tom and Brian couldn't believe it when they saw their Uncle Danny. What a great surprise.

On behalf of his entire family, I want to say thank you to all who have done anything to help in the search for Danny, as well as those of you who supported us with your hopeful thoughts and prayers. It really helps to know that Uncle Danny is loved and admired by so many people.

No matter what the outcome is, I will never forget him. His smiling face is forever in my mind. Please don't stop hoping for a happy ending.

Stacy Kaliszewski

While the search is continuing, I thought it might be appropriate to relate a story I know about Dan, unrelated to these terrible circumstances.

I only met Dan once, in early September of 1998 when Michele and I drove over from Nadi to stay at the Wananavu Beach Resort in Rakiraki and to dive with Crystal Divers. I was looking for something out of the ordinary, away from the tourists and I found it. We were the only divers there for a few days and we spent I think one or two nights actually on Nananu-I-Ra in a house next to theirs and I felt like we became friends in that short space because of the things we shared in common -- well, he's a Mac guy, I'm a Mac guy! And for the next few years we kept in touch via email. But it may just be that Dan treats everyone like they are someone special and so everyone leaves there feeling like a good friend. I wonder if that is true?

Michele and I were talking about Dan and Alisi the other night and she told me she remembers how open Dan was and easy to talk to. She asked him once how he got to such a beautiful place so far from Chicago and he told her a bit about his former life. About how he was in an accident, near death and then in traction for a long time -- I think she said two years. He said that while he lay there unable to move, he promised himself that he wouldn't put life off, he would do what he wanted to do; that he would break away from his everyday existence and live his dreams. Once he recovered he did just that and chased his dreams to the Pacific. (It makes me think of what they said in the Shawshank Redemption, "You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory.") But memory or no, those dreams are what he ultimately fulfilled at Nananu-I-Ra Island.

We all die, it's just a matter of when and I believe and I am sure that Dan believes that it isn't the duration of life that matters -- though longevity may be desirable -- it's the quality of life that matters. And on that score I believe that we have nothing whatsoever to regret for Dan -- regardless of outcome. He has been living his dream in Fiji with a beautiful family doing the things he loved doing in one of the most magical places to do it on earth. He didn't wait for retirement, he didn't hope or idly dream, he reached out and grabbed it and made it his own. That is living. That is nothing to regret. And if he and Danielle make it back safe it will be because of that spirit.

I don't know Danielle, but at her age to be working towards being a SCUBA instructor on an idyllic island in the Pacific with a diving Master like Dan, they must have some of the same lust for life at the least. For someone like her living life to its fullest, I can only say at least in that regard, "you are lucky." Clearly, she has a loving family and I feel great sympathy for them at this time, not knowing where she is.

I do know that everyone on this bulletin board hopes that right now as we sit before our computers each day that Dan is making good use of his extensive military survival training on one of the islands out there. Impressing Danielle while he cooks up some crab and fish under the stars while he figures out a way to make it to the mainland. That is hope.

I was a little pessimistic in my last post and perhaps too frank about it. If I offended anyone, I apologize. So I thought instead I would recount Michele's conversation with Dan on how he got to Fiji. I still have an image in my mind, sitting in Dan and Alisi's house, performing the kava ceremony in the evening light, laughing, talking -- living the dream.

I am really starting to miss and worry about my good old friend Dan Grenier. But there are two bits of good news-I know that talks with my own govenor and senator resulted in calls to the Fijian government to try and do all they can to find Dan and Danielle.So if any one is still willing to contact a congress man,it works, and it could be the last straw that really gets the search going again.The other good news is that, the Dan and Danielle Rescue fund has finally started to recieve some donations (600$) this past 3 days-but the search has spent way more than that already, and will need more if it is to keep going.I hate to sound like a broken record-but if thats what it takes to get them home,I will-here is the address to send donations (in case its gotten lost in all the postings)...Dan and Danielle Rescue Fund, 2441 Peach Ave, Fairfield, IA, USA.All funds will be wired to Fiji .Time is of utmost importance! Please help them if you can....Russ and Chris England. Saildiver.
I am really starting to miss and worry about my good old friend Dan Grenier. But there are two bits of good news-I know that talks with my own govenor and senator resulted in calls to the Fijian government to try and do all they can to find Dan and Danielle.So if any one is still willing to contact a congress man,it works, and it could be the last straw that really gets the search going again.The other good news is that, the Dan and Danielle Rescue fund has finally started to recieve some donations (600$) this past 3 days-but the search has spent way more than that already, and will need more if it is to keep going.I hate to sound like a broken record-but if thats what it takes to get them home,I will-here is the address to send donations (in case its gotten lost in all the postings)...Dan and Danielle Rescue Fund, 2441 Peach Ave, Fairfield, IA, USA.All funds will be wired to Fiji .Time is of utmost importance! Please help them if you can....Russ and Chris England. Saildiver.

Should one wire or shail mail check??

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