Dan Grenier lost at sea.

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Thanks for all the good leads and supprt lately-and I'd also really like to thank Ben Davison at Undercurrent Magazine who sent out an email to about 11,000 of his subscribers(Ithink that was the right no.)-which has really picked up the donation rate.But its time to get honestly serious about all of this-The seach has basically stopped again-and we will need some serious donors to step up to the plate to fund a few committed searchers back over there to make sure every area has been thoroughly searched-and as someone mentioned-I think we need to use dogs as well as other ideas which are already being formulated. But I can use everyone out there's help now,besides the funds many have donated or pledged. For instance,(and I'm NOT picking on you)-Blong great tip on the movie-I remeber Dan talking about it-but can't remember what role, if he did, have in it-I did call Linda Pucket to try and find out-she'll call me back, but may be you could do some ground work-Private message me and Ill get you in touch with Linda and maybe you and others could make this your project to contact someone there or get me a contact no_Other potential projects are to reach Tom Hanks,Robert Zemeckis,or William Broyles Jr(the screenwriter and also a US Marine vet),all from the Castaway film and crew (which Dan helped with in the fiji film location-Dan was even given the paddles that Tom's charator used to paddle the raft over the breaking waves,and one of the doubles of "Wilson",the soccer ball) ;Rupert Murdock;the TV charactor "Red" from "That 70's Show"(I've already tried their website-no response in 2 weeks);and even the "Open Water "film people as mentioned in a previous post.In my experience so far in trying to reach the Castaways crew,its been extremely frustrating-but if you know how to get to that inner circle-go for it.We've tried getting them directly, or thru other media people(Oprah,nightline,msnbc, fox,CNN, O'rielly,etc) who might like to use this as a story since this news hasn't made the US headlines at all. But perhaps if more people just got on thier computers and wrote the same news people ,we may finally get through and make some contacts who are willng to help directly or by donation(I just cant help but think Tom Hanks and the Castaways crew would help if they only knew).This is really not my area of expertise-my strengths are medicine,marine biology,oceanography,sailing and boating,survival methods,lots of dive experience in the Pacific and some in Fiji-in fact, I'm probably one of the slowest typists you know-my wife is a psychotherapist(but a good typist,and great diver) -but we're both very close to Dan,he once saved my wife's life ,he was like a brother and we are committed to searching for him until there is no further hope of rescue (If I have to go there my self).So,any on else that can voluteer in anyway-just start-you dont need pemission,If you need help,let us know-and keep us and everyone posted here what you're doing because that will inspire ideas and efforts by everyone.I'm going to attach a letter we sent to the New York Times which has some ideas you can use when approaching the media.
That's a good idea! If anyone knows how to contact Rupert Murdoch, please let us know his e-mail address and/or telephone number. Dan did take Murdoch diving in Lau approximately 6 years ago.

Another question along these lines, does anyone know how to contact Tom Hanks who starred the movie "Cast Away." Dan Grenier did run the film at nite for the filming that took place in Fiji, and he became friends with the FX group. If anyone knows how to contact Tom Hanks or the FX group that worked Cast Away, please let me know, at linda@bambooreefdivers.com, or Chris or Russ at saildivers@hotmail.com know.

And finally, in our earnest effort to collect funds to continue the search for Dan and Danielle, if anyone knows how to contact the father "Red" from "That 70's Show," he also dove with Dan and might consider contributing.

Those of you that are curious about the status of the search today, no one and nothing has been discovered today. Funds were wired recently, and I or the Englands will update this site within the next few days regarding our search efforts.

Thank you, everyone, for your concern and contributions to the search fund. The response to our campaign has been so heart warming that it trully gives us confidence in humanity, and in the brotherhood and camaraderie of the diving community. Alisi, Cory, Dakota, Dan, Danielle, her family, all of the staff at Bamboo Reef Divers, and all people who know and love Dan, thank you sincerely from the bottom of our hearts for all of the concern expressed and felt by people we've never met and by those who have touched our lives.

Also, a while back in this string, someone had asked if we had checked Bird Island. Yes, we did. And we'll continue to search there and the islands between Mary's Maytag and the Yasawas.

Thank you,
Linda Puckett

I'm kicking myself for not thinking of this weeks ago, but if I'm not mistaken the other advocate for Dan was Rupert Murdoch's wife...I believe her name is Anna and she was his student. They are now divorced, but she may be of help if anyone knows how to contact her.
Another high profile diver with Dan is someone within Rich Melman's great Chicago based restaurant group, Lettuce Entertain You.
Dan once told me that Rich Melman had been diving with him. I mentioned Dan"s name to Rich in a chance meeting a couple of years ago. Rich replied that Dan was probably referring to someone else in the Lettuce Entertain You group...either a partner or VP, as I recall. He mentioned him by name and commented on what an avid diver he was, but of course, I don't remember the name. I'm wondering if someone has access to the Melman organisation to try to resurrect the info. I'm in the restaurant biz, but don't have a direct line to Melman. Monday is the earliest I could try my channels. Can anyone else help?

Michael DeRousse
Santa Barbara, CA
Here is a copy of the letter we sent to the NewYork Times.

Dear Mr. Horowitz,
I recently read your "New York Times" article re "Open Water". There is currently a very similar event occuring in the Pacific off the coast of Viti Levu, Fiji. On August 31, 2004, a very dear friend and dive instructor, Dan Grenier, 53, USA, became lost at sea with his 27year old student, Danielle Gibbons, Australia. Dan and Danielle were dropped off on the windward side of the reef where the current can rip at speeds over 8 knots. The dive boat first dropped off 4 other divers on the leeward side of the reef, where the water was relatively calm. Dan was taking Danielle on a training dive to teach her about diving in heavy current. The plan was for the pair to do a drift dive which would take them around the reef to where the dive boat was moored. We have talked to one couple on the boat at the time and they report that the current was actually running the opposite direction than predicted and that the seas were quite rough--5 ft. waves and lots of chop. While waiting for the group of 4 divers to surface, the operator of the dive boat, Alesi Grenier, Dan's wife, thought she heard a dive whistle. She returned to where she thought Dan and Danielle should be and visually searched the water for any sign of the divers. With no sign of them, she assumed she had been hearing things--it is very difficult to hear on a dive boat with the engine running, wind blowing, waves crashing, etc. What she didn't know was that, due to the current change, she may have been looking in the opposite direction of where the divers actually were. She returned to pick up the 4 divers and there was still little concern about Dan and Danielle still being in the water. Dan is a former US Marine who did underwater reconissence work in Viet Nam, has worked as a professional technical diver, and is a dive instructor/guide. Throughout the dive world, Dan is known as the one of the most experienced, competent, well respected divers in the business. His past experience left the divers on the boat with great confidence that he and Danielle would soon surface. After having lunch, the 4 divers went down for their 3rd and last dive of the day. It was during this dive that crew began to worry about Dan and Danielle so when the 4 divers surfaced, the dive boat had already begun a search. An SOS was sounded and Bamboo Resort was notified. Because this is a huge area, it took boats 1 plus hours to meet up with the dive boat.
At dawn an air search was mounted and the Fijian government joined the search effort. It was reportedly the largest search effort the government had ever made, but it only lasted 6 days. Unfortunately, Fiji does not have the resources to keep an adequate search going. There is a sting of islands the pair could have possibly landed on after drifting with the current for 1-2 days. Those of us who know Dan feel that with his expert knowledge of the area, water, currents, and his training in survival techniques, he could stll be alive, a real live castaway. Ironically, Dan provided technical support for the movie "Castaway" during the Fijian portion of the filming. For his assistance, he was given the paddles Tom Hanks used to paddle off his island and one of the many "Wilson" soccer balls used in the film. Coincidentally, the islands where they may be stranded are very close to the actual island used in the film. However, this is not a movie!! Two lives are depending on our keeping the search going and, unfortunately, Fiji does not have the resources or money to do a prolonged search. My husband and I have talked with Dan's family and they have asked us to spearhead getting the word out to the public that we need their help. It is amazing to me that, in light of the recent release of the movie "Open Water", there has been NO news coverage of this story in the U.S. media. My husband and I have contacted CNN, FOX, NPR, Screenwriter's Guild (to connect with "Castaway" crew), DAN (Diver's Alert Network), Undercurrent magazine and so far, still no coverage.
I am writing this in hopes that you might be the link we need to find Dan and Danielle. If there is any way you could get this story out--newspapers, T.V. , radio, we might be able to raise enough funds to keep this search going. Also, it you know any of the people involved with the film "Castaway" (William Broyles, Jr., Robert Zemeckis, Tom Hanks ) we would like to contact them to see if they could help in this effort. There has not been one shred of evidence that they are not alive--no torn wetsuits, no parts of scuba equipment, no body parts. The water is warm enough that hypothermia should not be a major factor. One year ago this month Dan saved my life on a dive where my husband had an equipment failure, causing us to accend too rapidly. I was hit with Type II bends and it was Dan's cool head and excellent medical knowledge that got me to a recompression chamber when we were literally "out in the middle of nowhere." Dan would never give up on a fellow diver and we will not give up on Dan or Danielle until there concrete proof that "the search is over."
Please let us know if there is anything you are willing to do. We will be eternally grateful...
You may e-mail us at saildivers@hotmail.com
Christine England
Russ England, M.D.
2441 peach ave.,
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
I did some internet searching. Tom Hanks' agent is
Richard Luvux at
TELEPHONE: 310-288-4545 - FACSIMILE: 310-288-4800

Perhaps send a fax to his agent via the agency?... with the thought that faxes are a bit more public, so hopefully even if the agent were out of the office, some sharp eyed assistant might act on it?

I checked directory assistance and online listings and couldn't get a home phone for the agent...of course, he has to be unlisted.
I feel it is important to infrom all of the concerned people here. THERE HAS BEEN NO SEARCH FROM THE TIME MY PARTNER, NILS, AND MYSELF STOPPED FUNDING. I have lived in Fiji for close to 20 years and I am telling all concerned that there are no islands that are uninhabitied for over 5 days at a time. This is not the artic circle. All of the work being done to raise funds is admirable but I feel you are wasting you time and hearts. Who will lead this new search? Who will you give the funds to? Be real carefull here as Dan's partner and fellow director of Crystel divers have filed court documents to go after the property and structures where he and Alise along with the children live. We have retained a lawyer to represent her and the children. IF ANYONE WANTS TO HELP Please do not send money to anyone but Aleise. You may contact her direct at 679 669 4747. I know well that some of you will not aggree with the above and I respect that but life goes on sad as it may be.
Kind regards to all,
George Taylor
george, it seems that you have put a lot of time, concern, and money into the search. you deserve appreciation, and perhaps you have not gotten enough appreciation to this point.

as i understand, ben davison, russ & christine england, linda puckett, and others wish to re-mount the search. they also seem like good people who are sincerely trying to help even though the odds are long. let's leave room for many parties to help in their own ways.

john smolowe, m.d.
I'm kicking myself too, Mike! Yes, we have several pictures of Anna (correct name), holding Cory when he stil couldn't walk, which would be 1995 or 1996. Does anyone know the whereabouts of this lady?

Where are Lettuce Entertain You Headquartered?


I'm kicking myself for not thinking of this weeks ago, but if I'm not mistaken the other advocate for Dan was Rupert Murdoch's wife...I believe her name is Anna and she was his student. They are now divorced, but she may be of help if anyone knows how to contact her.
Another high profile diver with Dan is someone within Rich Melman's great Chicago based restaurant group, Lettuce Entertain You.
Dan once told me that Rich Melman had been diving with him. I mentioned Dan"s name to Rich in a chance meeting a couple of years ago. Rich replied that Dan was probably referring to someone else in the Lettuce Entertain You group...either a partner or VP, as I recall. He mentioned him by name and commented on what an avid diver he was, but of course, I don't remember the name. I'm wondering if someone has access to the Melman organisation to try to resurrect the info. I'm in the restaurant biz, but don't have a direct line to Melman. Monday is the earliest I could try my channels. Can anyone else help?

Michael DeRousse
Santa Barbara, CA[/QUOTE]
Texas Dive Goddess:

Great name! Yup, Dan took the National Geographic crew out for 2 days after the Nai'a had them out for a month or longer! The Nai'a staf will remember the Nat'l Geographic people - - who said that Black Magic Mountain was one of the healthiest reefs they had seen in all of their filming!

I'll get in touch with the Nai'a.


=texasdivegoddess]Didn't Dan also work with the crew of that recent IMAX film about the state of the coral in the South Pacific? I cannot remember the name of the film, but do remember that Dan had mentioned that Vatu-I-Ra was a key site used in that movie where the coral is so brilliant. I would think they might be particularly interested and distressed because where D & D were lost is so specific to that area. Does anyone remember the name of that film and/or who the persons involved were?[/QUOTE]
I canNOT believe that "Castaway" is being shown TONIGHT on ABC!!!!! Don't y'all think that's an incredibly auspicious sign? Synchronous energy seems to be gathering. Let's keep up the positive thinking and efforts towards a splendid outcome.
To the family and friends of Dan Grenier and all his well wishers:

This is Mary, Dan's friend from California who recently moved to Fiji. Yep, I'm the Mary of "Mary's Maytag". I spoke with Mike Dennis about a week ago, after he had inspected the dive gear found in the water just off the northern Yasawas. It has been positively identified as Danielle's gear. While it showed no sign of shark attack, it was missing the cover for the emergency release valve and consequently would not inflate. It might well have been ditched for that reason. The only reason it was still floating when found was that there were small pockets of air inside.

No trace of Dan, Danielle or Dan's gear has been found.

It has been almost four weeks now since Dan and Danielle went missing. The resort, the dive operation, his friends, family and crew searched hard and long for those two, at significant expense. After Danielle's gear was found, the police focused their search efforts on the Yasawas. Still nothing.

We all miss Dan and Danielle very much, and we are all grieving for their loss. Please keep them in your prayers.

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