As everyone has mentioned your ability to continue to be strong is very important, not only to your father to but for yourself. At difficult times it is very easy to not eat, sleep and gather strenght which you will need during your fathers' recovery.
Please, eat, sleep some ( i know it's tough) and stay by his side. Have you had the chance to have one of your friends come by to spend some time with you? Do so, that will help. If they can't, just write us and well be here 24/7 to talk.
We continue to pray for you and your family.
As everyone has mentioned your ability to continue to be strong is very important, not only to your father to but for yourself. At difficult times it is very easy to not eat, sleep and gather strenght which you will need during your fathers' recovery.
Please, eat, sleep some ( i know it's tough) and stay by his side. Have you had the chance to have one of your friends come by to spend some time with you? Do so, that will help. If they can't, just write us and well be here 24/7 to talk.
We continue to pray for you and your family.