I never do a 60m dive with just 1 decogas wth 20 or more minutes of bottomtime. I know from more than 1 case about dcs where the plan showed no problems. The dive is shorter when you use a second decogas, maybe not that much, but enough to see a benefit.added benefit of being a one-step fill
@Germie EAN50 is perfectly fine as a deco gas for most normoxic profiles. Run the profiles, there is usually no benefit in using 100% alone, and using both is usually of negligible benefit
A normoxic course done with 1 decogas is not a good course in my eyes, I allways do it with 2. Around 50m I prefer to take 2 decogases instead of 1 when I do bottomtimes (of course not for a bounce to 60m, then just an ean50 is enough, but that is no diving). And of course 2 decogases and a travelgas for full trimix. But if you decide to dive with only 1 decogas, then ean50 is most used, I agree. But allways remember that it is not the best gas for longer deco's.
An 100% or ean75 I have never seen as just a single decogas. Then it would be ean50.