CSSP report

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Well waited as long as I could guess Ill have to make the report.:D

Arrived at CSSP around 10 am. Went out with the purpose of practicing shooting bags at depth. The park was really busy today, and vis suffered from the mix of algae blooming and lots of students. Ten min. into dive one, I realized I somehow forgot to clip off my lift bag, reached back to grab it and nothing. :11doh:, looked at the bottom for a while still not seeing it. :11doh: Decided to surface in the hope that it was resting on the surface. Well nothing their. Oh well the dive most continue. Did a nice slow dive along the East wall, vis ranged from 3-4 feet to nothing, and I do mean nothing. Dive was just over an hour long.

SI- As soon as I get out of the water I see Alan and Thomas, and first thing out of their mouth to my relief is, He did you lose a lift bag? Turns out some guys at Tiger Shark scuba saw it floating on the surface with no line attached or air in it and picked it up for me. Very very cool.

Dive 2- Alan and I entered the water at the same time, well that was the last we saw of each other. Turns out vis, by the platforms was pretty much 0. I managed to run right into a mud wall, and roll about the bottom for a sec. Shortly after getting off the bottom my damn STA bolt came lose and started causing my tank to go side to side. Did a ditch and dawn on the platform and fixed it. Finally allowing me to do some bag shoots. Alan kindly let me barrow his spreel, which BTW is very cool, not sure if I will get one for bag shoots but its pretty easy to use and fun to watch unwind. After using the spreel I switched to my reel, and since today was my day, luck would have it I had the tension screw on.:rofl3:So ended up having to let my reel go to the surface with my lift bag. After a few more lifts I headed back and meet up with Alan on the surface. We did a few more bag shoots,got to try using a spool for the first time, and well I think that was the easiest and most simple way, so looks like I get to spend some more money.

All in all a good day of diving and conversation with Thomas and Alan.

That's my report and I'm sticking to it.
Glad you guys got wet, even if there was no viz. And that you found your lift bag :)

I put in at the stairs by the air fill station, hoping for better viz. Wrong. I ran headlong into Sisco before I even saw him. Good lesson here--slow down in low viz !

The top of the starboard side newly sunk boat was covered in silt, as if half a dozen students got in to see how much they could stir up. It probably didn't happen that way, but sure seemed like it :) Ah, to be a noob again. The graffiti from week to week is interesting to read, too :) Someone named Monica seems to like it out there :)

Got in 3 dives today, thousands of baby fish. Last dive I was getting tired and nav wasn't too accurate. Never did find my blue light that I hid under a rock last week. Oh well, I want an LED anyway and this is a good excuse to get one.
Now I have a reason to go out and hunt for that light! MWAHAHAHA!!!! Can't wait to try out my new fancy fins, but school's starting and it might have to wait. :(
Well since Ryan wrote a bit I guess I will add a note or two--hehe. :D

It was a pleasure seeing Ryan out today....I had known from his thread he was going to be out.....when I arrived at 9amish the park was already really crowded and few good parking spots left. I did secure a nice one by only shear luck. Ryan was still in transit so I did a first of 3 dives for the day. On my way out along the wall and in pretty poor vis I noted a diver headed my way......from a distance I could see he was solo and cruising in the style of an experienced diver. I dropped just a bit and moved from the wall as to allow him plenty of passage a few feet above me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye thru the milky haze as we passed each other....just then I feel a gentle tug on my fin,,,,,doing a slow gentle helio turn in my doubles and two slung bottles, I to my surprise see my fellow Swamper Thomas greeting me and waving HI.....he indicated he was on his return, and I signaled I was headed out.....you just never know whom you will pass in the pond! :D

There were ALLOT of classes and many students out today.....they and the summers end bloom plus the fish activity had the water really stirred up. It was nice seeing my friends from Tiger Shark out at the park and even saw Randy from Lone Star Scuba/Dallas with an O/W class.

Ryan allowed me to shoot his new Salvo semi sealing 70lbs. lift bag...very sweet , and said he was enjoying his new Salvo first/second stage. He was fine tuning his new harness during his diving he commented to me. Ryan and I were shooting bags and swapping gear between us for fun....the vis was so milky at this area we could not even see each other being just a close distance apart......I even slammed the silty bottom a good one on my second drop....put up a good plume of silt in to the water----not sure it really mattered at this point..:11:.

Nice seeing and visiting with Thomas between dips. Not a bad day except for the large number of divers using the stairs and a few un-monitored boys playing at and in the water all day by the entry....were the hell were the parents!!:shakehead:

ZZZZzzzzzzz :)
Now I have a reason to go out and hunt for that light! MWAHAHAHA!!!! Can't wait to try out my new fancy fins, but school's starting and it might have to wait. :(

HI--- Are you a student or are you employed with the school ??

*** Looked at your MySpace and got the answer to my question---cool! Now I did note you said you are 77 years old --- NO WAY ...... I have seen you at CSSP several weeks back. Come clean!
I am not sure if I am happy that I didn't go to CSSP or if I am sad that I didn't go.
Visibility sounds like it sucked; but hanging out with good friends is always fun.

I put in at the stairs by the air fill station, hoping for better viz. Wrong. I ran headlong into Sisco before I even saw him. Good lesson here--slow down in low viz !

I too have swam head first into Sisco before seeing him.
On my way out along the wall and in pretty poor vis I noted a diver headed my way......from a distance I could see he was solo and cruising in the style of an experienced diver.

What he really means by this is that he could hear me muttering through my reg about how crappy the vis was :lotsalove:

I dropped just a bit and moved from the wall as to allow him plenty of passage a few feet above me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye thru the milky haze as we passed each other....just then I feel a gentle tug on my fin,,,,,doing a slow gentle helio turn in my doubles and two slung bottles, I to my surprise see my fellow Swamper Thomas greeting me and waving HI...

This part was funny.... I was cruising alone, talking to myself as usual, when I saw a diver in doubles coming towards me. I ascended a foot or so to allow him to pass, not really looking at the diver himself. Just as I was passing over him, I looked down and said, "HEY!! I know those tanks!!" I tugged on his fins and waited while he executed a perfect, albeit slow, helo turn.... lol.

.....he indicated he was on his return, and I signaled I was headed out.....

What I was really signalling was that I was at the end of a 115 minute dive and I had to go..... well, you know... :D Plus, after that long of a dive, I knew darned well I couldn't stay down long enough to stay with Alan in his doubles....LOL.

There were ALLOT of classes and many students out today.....they and the summers end bloom plus the fish activity had the water really stirred up.

The vis was as bad as I've ever seen it. I did a couple of navigation runs down through the middle of the pond, and there were times that I couldn't read my gauges, even though they were on my wrists mere inches from my face. It was a perfect day for soloing, since you would have had a hard time keeping up with a buddy.....

Nice seeing and visiting with Thomas between dips. Not a bad day except for the large number of divers using the stairs and a few un-monitored boys playing at and in the water all day by the entry....were the hell were the parents!!:shakehead:

ZZZZzzzzzzz :)

I really enjoyed visiting with Alan and Ryan both. It always makes the SI's as well as the afternoon more enjoyable when you've got good company. I do wish the parents would watch their kids a lot closer, though.

All in all, a pretty good day, even with poor vis. At least I wasn't working :D
Now you've made me feel like I missed out on something.
I am jealous.
SI- As soon as I get out of the water I see Alan and Thomas, and first thing out of their mouth to my relief is, He did you lose a lift bag? Turns out some guys at Tiger Shark scuba saw it floating on the surface with no line attached or air in it and picked it up for me. Very very cool.

You're lucky John Rental didn't find it. :D
We were at CSSP on the 23rd (our first time, and are new divers). We were at the "American Airlines" end. It was very crowded & vis. wasn't the best. Will that get better soon? And how is the diving in October?

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