CSSP Labor Day Wkend

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Islamorada, FL Life in paradise is good good goo
Anybody heading to Clear Springs Scuba Park in Terrell anytime over the upcoming holiday weekend?

Looks like I'll be there on Saturday...
Sealskin98 will be there Saturday
and Pikachoo from Tyler will be there with a group

Anybody else?

Tone? Did you decide where you are going this weekend?

SeaHunt, Aimee, blue32, ScubaTexan....and anybody else that's not going elsewhere already....let us hear from you.

See ya, Bridget
Unfortunately I have previous plans for this holiday weekend, (not what you may think :) ).

Nyle and I will most likely make it the following weekend so I'll check back next week to see if anything is shaping up with the rest of you guys.

Looks like a good weekend ahead, no lightning storms predicted as of today!

Ya'll have fun,
Unfortunately I have previous plans for this holiday weekend, (not what you may think ).

Now SeaHunt....I don't know what you're talking about!!:wink: I wasn't assuming anything at all. Noooo....really I wasn't - nothing at all! I promise .... :D

Make it a great weekend...see ya later, Bridget
TropiGal once bubbled...

Now SeaHunt....I don't know what you're talking about!!:wink: I wasn't assuming anything at all. Noooo....really I wasn't - nothing at all! I promise .... :D

Honestly, Jim....what exactly are you talking about?? I have no clue!!! :innocent:

I hit send before I was finished...

I'm working this weekend so CSSP is out for me.

Next weekend might be good though!!! It would be great to see everyone then!!
Ummm, errr, aaa, I'm visiting with family and friends, ya, ya, that's it. Really!

Hey, it's my story and I'm sticking to it. :hiding:

Next weekend, yes, I see a plan forming already. CSSP, warm days, blue skies, 30ft. viz, endless supply of air, good buddies, group dive, TropiGal's famous brownies, and me with NO hidden agenda :shades:

It's halftime, Go Cowboys!
I will be there Saturday....I'll try to get there in the morning and make a day of it. Shall we have a cookout while we're there? Try to get the pavillion again. I look forward to seeing you out there, Bridget and Bill (and everyone else, for that matter).


Aimee, I was afraid you'd be working this weekend. We'll keep next wkend in mind. I'm not sure what day we will be doing the Medic First Aid class - I think it will be Saturday which means if I dive next wkend, it will be on Sunday.

Jim, all right all right !!! You've convinced me ! LOL...Have fun with family and friends. I hope to see you next wkend as well.

Ken, glad you can make it this weekend. We will have our EZ up shade with us so that will better than nothing. Since we won't be going until tomorrow, we may not get a picnic table so you might want to bring a lawn chair. If you want to cook out that would be great but I don't have a grill or anything like that anymore, so I guess we'll be dining from the cooler. We will be down at the north end again as close to the pavillin as possible. See ya there!
...what's wrong with Athens or PK? I'm still considering trying a different spot. Have only been to CSSP here locally and just want something to compare. Have you been to Athens or PK? If you have, fill me in....
TropiGal once bubbled...

Ken, glad you can make it this weekend. We will have our EZ up shade with us so that will better than nothing. Since we won't be going until tomorrow, we may not get a picnic table so you might want to bring a lawn chair. If you want to cook out that would be great but I don't have a grill or anything like that anymore, so I guess we'll be dining from the cooler. We will be down at the north end again as close to the pavillin as possible. See ya there! [/B]

My pleasure. However, I don't have anything to cook on either, so we may have to improvise. I can bring a lawn chair, though. I just hope everything doesn't blow away this time.

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