Cryin' in my Corona

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Somebody knock me off the ferris wheel of indecision.

No sooner do i tell my friends I've made up my mind, I'm going to Scuba Club Cozumel (Again), then I get the brilliant idea to try a deal that, for the same price (roughly) I can get afternoon dives with Brisas, so I'm going I think......

Then I get a reading this and that, for the 10th time, and now I'm getting worried about the cold and marginal food with Brisas.


Here's my particulars, and help would be appreciated...

I'd rather not break the bank. (Presidente)

I am fairly picky about my food, what I like, I like, and I don't like much :) (My biggest fear of Brisas, so it seems)

I don't want a cattle boat of weekend divers (Even if I may be one, I'm not going to be told I can't do a dive to Maracaibo or Punta Sur because we have 12 divers with 12 dives under their belts, and paying Xtra for the southern sites doesn't sit well with me either).

Close to town would be nice, but not essential if a nice AI.

Secondary consideration (Wife) is the AI type of "Night shows/entertainment" I personally couldn't give a crap, I'm here to dive!

3 dives a day is almost mandatory, plus shore dives if possible. (Which is why SCC might be out. Last time I went, it was like pulling teeth to find anyone that awas wlling to do the afternoon dive, so we went out once in 5 days of diving.! (Of course the afternoon dive is extra too))

Asking too much????

Point me in the right direction, I have a headache

Easy Solution:

GO to Bonaire...
If your concerned or picky about food then you probably should stay clear of Brisas. While we did have a few good meals there, the majority of them were quite poor. I personally didn't have a problem with the food because I was more concerned with the convenience of not having to go someplace else and just filling my hole. We ate breakfast there every morning (cant screw up fresh fruit:) ) but its close enough to walk into town and eat a decent, reasonably priced dinner.
(1) Get 10 of you together
(2) Rent a villa (around $1000 - 1500 for the week - $100 -150 each)
(3) Rent three cars
(4) Buy a dive package from your favorite operator that suits you.
(5) Shop at the grocery store; fix your own gustatory delights (no whines about your own cooking)
(6) When you go out to eat, stay away from the "boat people" (cruise ship) hangouts.
Ah yeah....thanks Lubold..$$$$$$$$

Rich........I couldn'T BUY 10 friends. heheheheh

Yes that is one way, but really, it's just 2 of us, and we leave in 4 weeks..for somewhere!!!
Actually, I'm getting so annoyed now at the whole thing, just about EVERYTHING is up in the air...

WOW can I change my mind quick!
DeepScuba once bubbled...
Actually, I'm getting so annoyed now at the whole thing, just about EVERYTHING is up in the air...

WOW can I change my mind quick!

Don' worry, be happy.

Stay at Brisas, eat in town. There are too many good restaurants there to lock one's self into an AI, in my humble opinion. From Brisas, all the restaurants are merely a cheap cab ride away.

I wouldn't let free shore diving be too big a consideration; the walkup going rate for tank & weights is only six bucks. If you're doing a lot of boat diving you won't be shore diving that much, anyway; you can't even remotely replace the Coz boat diving experience with anything you can access from shore there.

Shop for diving; don't prebook if you are unsure about what to expect from a dive op. You can't throw a rock on Cozumel without hitting a dive shop. Arranging to dive on Coz is ridiculously easy; most shops are open until 9 pm, so you can easily book a morning dive the night before. Look around in town, you'll see plenty of dive shops.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with ggun on the relax advise. Before my trip to Cozumel, I had researched so much that I started to second guess my motel, dive op, etc etc. In the end, the amount of fun you have is more dependent on your attitude than on circumstances you can't change. Think of what makes that island so great to visit. Everything is slow, and stress free, and all about having a good time. I also agree about the restaurants. Going out to eat is one of the biggest draws to Cozumel for me. Plus, I heard the Brisas was actually not a bad place to stay.


have you given a thought to Barbados??? Go on the internet and do a search for.....The Best of Barbados.....I am not sure but it may be a US Air deal...

Anyway....Barbados has been hit hard since 9/11 with a lack of visitors and the prices are not bad at all. Plus, it is an easy island to get around on, car rental isnt bad as long as you stay away from what they call a "mook" which is nothing more than a golf cart....real cars...airconditioning...oh yeah....

getting around the island is very easy and the diving is not bad. I wouldnt call it the best but....i find that too subjective actually. I just like getting wet someplace other than the shower.....

but diving and driving around is good. The food is just will def want to go to Ostins on Fri and Sat for the big community fish fry......

Try to do a search here and find my trip report. if you cant pm me and i will be glad to detail you to death.

Hey Rich, didn't your mom ever tell you not to confuse a guy more than he already is??? :)

Yes, I've been to Barbados, once.

Sharkman knows how I feel, but I will tell you this, no amount of thinking good thoughts would make me a happy camper if I was eating $hitty food :upset:

I think I've got a grip on things now.......I'll let ya's know. This might just be the best trip to Coz yet........maybe. :damn:

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