nereas - can you amplify your comment? Most religions, certainly all the monotheistic ones, build a "self protection" clause into their dogma, to protect themselves against attack. By anticipating what others are likely to say and rebutting it before it is said, you are seen to strengthen your case. I might call this "offensive rebuttal". Logically bogus and absurd, but widely employed, especially in Court. In formal debating it's called "points scoring".
Islam carries it to extremes by condemning critics to death, but Christianity generally dropped that extreme sanction a few centuries ago. Judaism has always, so far as I can tell, been far more tolerant of critics and non-believers - I don't recall ever reading of Jews when they've been in positions of power being brutal to people who weren't members of their "club". Modern Israel goes a bit in that direction, but it's more political than personal.
So were you warning others to beware of what I was saying because it fell into a category that your religion has already anticipated? Not much point really - it won't affect people who are already of the same persuasion as you seem to be, and people who have a broader outlook will see it for the attempted trick that it is and will ignore it.
In my mind I have a question that I think I'll pose - what is "belief"? I believe that the earth is unlikely to stop spinning on its axis, so tomorrow will certainly happen. That's based partly on what others have said, which would constitute "acceptance", but also on my own inevitable conviction (from observation) that it is so. I'm not likely to shift my belief in the pattern of days, and I don't see myself ever questioning it. I don't fear being regarded as "disloyal" if I were to admit, even if only to myself, that really my conviction that tomorrow was going to happen was artificial, that I had told myself that this was what I had to believe.
In my experience, even for the most ardent advocates of religions this conviction is a lot weaker. We read all the time of people "losing their faith" or maybe "discovering God". This suggests that there is an element of mental will at work. I don't believe I have any effort of will involved in expecting tomorrow.
So what does someone mean when they say "I believe"? That they've made a conscious decision that they will accept and not question a certain dogma? In Christianity Jesus is supposed to have said something like "you believe because you have seen; blessed are those who have not seen yet still believe". Why on earth would he say that if he wasn't wanting to guard against people thinking for themselves and coming to conclusions he didn't like? Goes back to my original point about "offensive rebuttal".
Ah, Lucifer, your voices are legion, indeed. Intellectually powerful, ever mutating, and resounding as cymbals of brass.
I doubt that Jesus (Latin spelling) is too worried about anything.
Now Lucifer, on the other hand, has reason to worry a lot. He does the worrying, I would bet.
And to your point about weak Christians, well, they must surely be Lucifer's favorites, n'est pas?
Regarding your question about belief, the Greek New Testament speaks of this topic in depth throughout the writings of St. Paul. Do you want me to re-type all of these writings here?
Trickery is the domain of Lucifer, not me. I read the ancient scriptures (scrolls) in Hebrew and in Greek to understand what the ancient prophets (nabi in Hebrew, profetas in Greek) have to say about their first-hand visions of Diety. The current English translations are all quite badly done.
Remember, Moses (Greek spelling; MOSHE in Hebrew) was an old white haired man, who had visions, and wrote them down, and told us about Abraham. The first real person in the Hebrew Old Testament (Torah, Writings, Prophets) is Moses himself, circa 1400 B.C.E. This period of the Bronze Age was really quite an historic time, not only in Egypt, but everywhere.
Moses is then followed by a whole bunch of other similar prophets, who also write. The Hebrew scribes were nice enough to transcribe these writing for us. And Saint Luke the physician and Efaggelos (missionary) transcribed the writings of the Apostles into Greek for us as well. That is were we get them.
The issue of witnesses is different from your (specifically, your) attempt at intellectualization of religion.
Intellectualization is the realm of philosophy, not of religion.
Face it, that you yourself know nothing about religion, and your excuse is simply "your experience."
Get thee hence, Lucifer. Serve your many minions, over whom you are lord and god.
And now, on a separate matter, I need to get my twin-130s ready for this coming weekend so that I can scuba.