I think "nereas" has amply demonstrated that he is not stupid (in terms of intellectual capability) but that he is bigoted and has a totally closed mind. He is incapable of reason in any normally accepted sense.
I am not an American and it isn't the British custom to praise and laud our military for "serving us". In most cases they decided to take a job that they expected to enjoy and get well paid at, and they can't be surprised when they encounter the less pleasant aspects of that deal. I also think both the two main theatres of war (Iraq and Afghanistan) are misguided, fraudulent (on the US & British people), and pointless. We will never win either war. Remember that there are British fighting alongside Americans in both places, and I know some of them. I am ex-military myself.
But that in no way belittles what they actually do, and what "nereas" said is insensitive and likely to provoke antipathy. He seems not to know this, which is further evidence that mentally he has divorced himself from reality. I would like to see him put in a truly dangerous situation to see how he would react. He appears not to want to be a part of normal society - a stance he can only adopt because he has the luxury of living in a peaceful country made peaceful by the people he is belittling. Fine, let him look out for himself. He will soon find that his position is in practice untenable.
So there is no point in attempting to reason with him and people like him, and I'm not going to bother any more.
Have you noticed though how he likes to change the words people have used to twist what they have said to his convenience? His introduction of the word "amateur", as in "The amateur scientists, the amateur philosophers, the amateur debaters, and the atheists, all create for themselves a mythical house of cards, and then they throw stones at everyone else's house as being 'unintellectual'." He hopes thereby to degrade what they have said. Just why "amateur" should be regarded as a term of derogation though isn't clear to me. Many great scientists & philosophers have been amateurs, and I don't know of any professional debaters or atheists. Certainly the Oxford scientists I had in mind above are world-level, with many published works.
It is sad though to come across people like "nereas", and I have to say that America is a prime breeding ground for them. He wouldn't last five minutes in Britain - he would be exposed as a fool and a charlatan, and he would find earning a living to be quite difficult.
Nonetheless this thread, or the tiny part I've participated in, has been enjoyable and most revealing.