As I said earlier, the whole shooting match is written by men to suit their own ends. The concept of "Satan" is just a part.The modern Satan is an amalgam of biblical misunderstandings that conveniently provide a bad guy who carries out the torture of the wicked so that we don't have to imagine God doing it himself
Of course! To create total and unthinking social cohesion (that can then be manipulated by the people in control) there has to be a common enemy. That's ingrained into every soldier in times of war, as otherwise their controllers couldn't be sure that they would kill on command. "1984" and "Animal Farm" both rely on their being some common enemy which necessitates people banding together for the common good. There are numerous other instances.modern fundamentalism (as I was raised in) has an intractable need for a Satan character
The only part I question is your saying this is required by Fundamentalism. IMO it's required by all monotheistic religions.
What's happened to our friend? He seems to have gone a bit quiet.