Creation vs. Evolution

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If millions of people incrementally threw millions of watch parts up in the air over millions of years, and each time a part forms correctly, threw that combined part up, we might have something close to an analogy....anything else is honestly just ignorance of evolutionary theory.
If millions of people incrementally threw millions of watch parts up in the air over millions of years, and each time a part forms correctly, threw that combined part up, we might have something close to an analogy....anything else is honestly just ignorance of evolutionary theory.

Too bad evolutionary theory can't explain the origin of the parts and when questioned about life from lifelessness, the reply is that it's not relevant. But both are relevant. Yes, I understand the theory. And it's maybe, built on perhaps, supported by belief that it happened.
Too bad evolutionary theory can't explain the origin of the parts and when questioned about life from lifelessness, the reply is that it's not relevant. But both are relevant. Yes, I understand the theory. And it's maybe, built on perhaps, supported by belief that it happened.

It sure doesn't sound like you understand the theories too well since life from lifenessness *isn't* particularly relevent to evolutionary theory. That's a chemist and biologist's domain and they do have theories regarding those topics, despite your claims to the contrary. That we don't have answers yet is likely a result of the fact that science is a relatively young discipline. Just because we don't have a definitive answer for every question yet doesn't mean we won't and it certainly doesn't support any arguments for a deity.

Here is a collection of current theories (of which, yes, there are many):

My question to you is...why the bible? Why one branch of Christianity over another? Why not hinduism, islam, zoroastrianism, or buddhism? Someone is right and someone is wrong. Christianity is far from the most prevelent religion on a world scale and it has been pretty well proven that the canonic texts of the new testament are not first hand accounts, so what evidence is there to support that christianity is the right answer? Interpreted literally (from the English texts, which were translated, many times incorrectly, from several different languages), science clearly and directly contradicts the timeframe of the old testament. It is incredibly bizarre to me to disregard observable and experimental evidence in favor of a book written by several unknown authors. I just don't get it, nor will I ever I don't think.
science clearly and directly contradicts the timeframe of the old testament. It is incredibly bizarre to me to disregard observable and experimental evidence in favor of a book written by several unknown authors. I just don't get it, nor will I ever I don't think.

That is not a proven fact. There are many who have said king David of the Old Testament never lived it was just a story......until recently found markers stating that they were boundries established by king David.
The time frame in the creation story states that the world was created in seven time periods... each one being a day of the Lord in length (so I guess you seem to know how long it means...I don't). Evolution has never been seen by man, it is a theory. The Bible does state God created each animal after it's own kind thus you have all cats from the current kitty to the lion.

Who has seen a shark become a man?

The authors are not all unknown of the Bible.
The time frame in the creation story states that the world was created in seven time periods... each one being a day of the Lord in length (so I guess you seem to know how long it means...I don't).

That was directed towards those in this thread that believe the world is thousands of years old, not billions. You are a step ahead in that you seem to at least accept the possibility that the bible is not to be interpreted literally as written in the English versions.

Evolution has never been seen by man, it is a theory.

Evolution has most certainly been observed by man, primarily in micro-organisms. The fossil record provides incredibly strong evidence to support the theory on a macro scale, also. Gravity is also a theory. Do you dispute it?

Every time you catch a cold, you are experience evolution in action.

Who has seen a shark become a man?

To the best of my knowledge people do not decend from sharks. Do you have information to the contrary?

The authors are not all unknown of the Bible.

Please then tell me who wrote the canonical gospels?
Now I know why there have been so few interesting scuba post the last few weeks. I thought it was a server problem, but everyone was here.:D

I know my Granddad had a belly button, so the world has to have started sometime before 1896. I'm not sure about my Grandmother, but she was younger than Granddad, so it's pretty safe she had 1 too.
Jeez I didn't think anyone still belived in fairy tales anymore.

I remember, when I was about 9-10 years old, telling the boy next door that there was no such thing as Adam and Eve and then being surprised he didn't know about the theory of evolution. I remember him being really surprised then running away to tell his mother that I was blaspheming.
She took to me with a riding crop for daring to suggest the theory of evolution and to save my mortal soul.

Even after that I still had respect for others belief, in whatever made them happy.

Now I am getting rather tired of religon. I am tired of all the bloodshed and atrocities commited in the name of some fictitious entity, be his name God, Allah, Shinto or any other name.

Creation is a fairy tale. Evolution is a theory but it's the best one we have. Who knows in a thousand years we may have another theory.

To the best of my knowledge people do not decend from sharks. Do you have information to the contrary?................

Maybe not descendants, but perhaps we had a common ancestor sometime after the ooze.

What really bothers me about some attempts to denounce Evolution is that you frequently seem these types of arguements:
Who has seen a shark become a man?
... or the ever popular if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

These arguments have NOTHING to do with the theory of Evolution. In both examples the underlying premise of COMMON ancestors has been ignored/misinterpretted/concealed as it defeats their argument.

Evolution argues that human, shark and monkey are all creatures that evolved from a common simpler life form. At some point they branched off in separate directions, but they still share some common characteristics.

Therefore, man did not evolve from monkeys, but both share a common ancestor that was neither monkey nor man.

Believe what you want, but don't make arguments against a theory by attacking a premise that is not part of the theory.

Maybe not descendants, but perhaps we had a common ancestor sometime after the ooze.

Wow...that's *substantially* different than evolving from sharks....That's like saying your 5th cousin 10 times removed is your grandfather.

You are right on...misinformation about evolution is abundant, especially in the world of creationism.
Jeez I didn't think anyone still belived in fairy tales anymore.

I remember, when I was about 9-10 years old, telling the boy next door that there was no such thing as Adam and Eve and then being surprised he didn't know about the theory of evolution. I remember him being really surprised then running away to tell his mother that I was blaspheming.
She took to me with a riding crop for daring to suggest the theory of evolution and to save my mortal soul.

Even after that I still had respect for others belief, in whatever made them happy.

Now I am getting rather tired of religon. I am tired of all the bloodshed and atrocities commited in the name of some fictitious entity, be his name God, Allah, Shinto or any other name.

Creation is a fairy tale. Evolution is a theory but it's the best one we have. Who knows in a thousand years we may have another theory.

"Now I am getting rather tired of politics. I am tired of all the bloodshed and atrocities commited in the name of some fictitious entity, be his name Uncle Sam, Old Glory, the American Way or any other name.

True Freedom is a fairy tale. Democracy is a theory but it's the best one we have . . ."

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Nonetheless, I still stand behind this Country and the Wisdom of its Principles. Same for Religion as well. . .

People, don't lament, rail and cry hypocrisy for hypocrisy's sake. . .just learn from mistakes, right the wrongs, make restitution, strive for redemption, have Faith in the Good Will of Man. . .
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