Creation vs. Evolution

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I'll have a picture that shows the bomb killed 2. Andy will point out that I don't have an autographed copy of the photo.

not so... you misunderstand my argument

i would want to know who took the picure, and then ask that person: when did you take it, how did you take, etc? so i can evaluate its veracity.

also, i'd like to look at other pictures other people took of the bombing. that way i can compare what the various pictures look like. how many corpses are there? what is their position? what does the damage pattern look like? how do they compare to the picture in question?

also, it'd be nice to talk to some eyewitnesses, show them the picture, say, "is this what it looked like?"

then you see whether the stories mesh together, etc.

in my line of work, i reconstruct "what happened" after the fact. seldom do all the facts agree. but i know i'm close to the truth when you start seeing a pretty good picture emerge that is not contradicted by what you know.

in my professional opinion interpreting texts as an English Major and Religion Minor, a Masters in English, and a J.D., the four gospels have significant textual problems. that's just my opinion, but there are too many textual problems for me to take them at face value.
I would love to see a creationist and/or Darwinist explode.....

Not really, just curious if this thread will have the timelessness of "I' would love to see a tank explode." :D
Personally, I believe in Creation. I was raised round church but never really paid any attention. So, I use to believe in Evolution, but now I believe in Creation due to the fact I became saved. In my opinion, I think evolution is no good. Anytime a scientist can not figure out when something walked this earth, they say something like "Fourhunderd Million Years Ago." Now come on! How old do people think the world really is. I think the world is only six - seven thousand years old. Most evolutionist, not all, believe in the big bang theroy. Now, what caused the big bang? Is it so hard to believe that maybe a higher being, "God" as we all call him, created us. Not everything can be explained with facts, sometimes we have to have FAITH.

I believe the world is older than 6 or 7 thousand years, (how long is a day of the Lord?) and I believe in adaptation. I don't believe we came from a one celled animal or a person came form a shark or a monkey. I believe God created each species after its own kind.
Diving is such a revelation of how nature fits together. Have you ever heard of the "watch theory"?
If you take a watch apart and mix all the parts in your hand and then throw them up in the air, what are the chances that the watch would land back in your hand with all the parts in place and ticking? How much more intricate isn't the earth than a watch?
I have faith each day that the sun will rise, that the cars in the opposite lane will stay in their lane, that gravity will continue and that God created the universe.
Have you ever heard of the "watch theory"?
If you take a watch apart and mix all the parts in your hand and then throw them up in the air, what are the chances that the watch would land back in your hand with all the parts in place and ticking? How much more intricate isn't the earth than a watch?

That's not a's a misrepresentation, an oversimplification, and a misunderstanding about how the evolutionary process works and does not work as an argument for or against anything.
That's not a's a misrepresentation, an oversimplification, and a misunderstanding about how the evolutionary process works and does not work as an argument for or against anything.

Yes it is a stated theory and works well when you are thinking that the world just happened. I guess we'll have to disagree on the fact that you think it isn't an argument for anything and I think it is a good argument for Creationism. Darwin himself was a Christian.

On another note:

All 55 signers of the United States Constitution of 1787 were Christian
29 Anglicans,18 Calvinists,2 Methodists,2 Lutherans,2 Roman Catholic, 1 lapsed Quaker and 1 open Deist - Dr. Franklin who attended every kind of Christian worship, called for public prayer, and contributed to all denominations.

There are many who say that those who formed the United States were not believers. There are many who believe they are so much smarter than those signers. I say it is God who has blessed this Nation from the beginning, because of the faith of those men who formed this country.
Yes it is a stated theory and works well when you are thinking that the world just happened. I guess we'll have to disagree on the fact that you think it isn't an argument for anything and I think it is a good argument for Creationism. Darwin himself was a Christian.

Well, I guess anyone can have a theory about anything even if they are totally devoid of facts and are based on complete misunderstandings. I'm sorry, but there really is little to disagree on...The theory as you stated it is simply not a reflection of how evolution works. It's just...not.

I respect your right to believe what you want to believe, but don't try and use inaccurate anecdotes to argue your point. This is the problem with most arguments against evolution...those that are arguing it (on both sides) seem to rarely understand what actually happens (as presented by the theory)

All 55 signers of the United States Constitution of 1787 were Christian
29 Anglicans,18 Calvinists,2 Methodists,2 Lutherans,2 Roman Catholic, 1 lapsed Quaker and 1 open Deist - Dr. Franklin who attended every kind of Christian worship, called for public prayer, and contributed to all denominations.

So what?
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