Creation vs. Evolution

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There is evidence that within the U.S. strong disparities in religious belief versus acceptance of evolution are correlated with similarly varying rates of societal dysfunction, the strongly theistic, anti-evolution south and mid-west having markedly worse homicide, mortality, STD, youth pregnancy, marital and related problems than the northeast where societal conditions, secularization, and acceptance of evolution approach European norms.

The author assumes this has to do with a belief in religion and rules out education level? Again, my post was simply a directive for the future. If you don't believe in God, you are afforded the opportunity to be your own god. Therefore, you can, and should, choose to sin without regard to those you might hurt. Survival of the fittest.
Jesus didn't exist? Wow. I guess Josephus was referencing a myth.
Not just that, in order to demonstrate that a historical figure existed two contemporaneous cross references are required. In the case of Jesus there are zero. Your historical scholarship is on a par with your biological knowledge.
Nothing new here.

By which you mean, of course, you cannot refute the basic math and logic of the argument.

Not every animal that dies gets fossilized

This, from the same guy who thinks that the gaps in the fossil record some how represents a problem...

But, based on the above, I can only assume that you're now proposing that animals in specific layers of the flood debris decayed such that they created the illusion of strata :rofl3:
and I'm sure you had no sedimentary rock deposits either.

No, but lots of sediments which could, over time, form into rock. You don't think that happens overnight, do you?

But floods do move sediment and redeposit it elsewhere, perhaps there's a cow or two being fossilized as we talk.

And? Firstly, floods do not create strata, multiple floods create strata. Secondly, no cows died on our farm, so sorry, no fossil cows will be found. And finally, the above drivel had what to do with the original point? How does this change the fact that the physics of gravity would (in the event of a biblical flood) create the exact opposite pattern of uranium and lead isotopes that are observed in the existing strata.

Originally Posted by ce4jesus
3. You say this despite the fact that modern man can be traced to a single mother about 150000 -200K years ago?

Not exactly; "mitochondrial eve" was not a single human, but rather a population. Regardless, they were already human - Homo sapiens - not some progenitor "kind". Keep in mind that by your own definition "kind" would be family level or higher; so we'd be talking about speciation from a common ancestor to create humans, chimps and bonobos at the very least. We shared out last common ancestor with chimps 4-6 million years ago; far, far, far longer than creationist models allow for.

I belive this was the show I watched The Real Eve DVD -- Discovery Channel Store -- 791152

And? Doesn't change the fact that their is insufficient time to speciate humans, chimps and bonobos in 100,000 years, regardless of whether you measure time from mitchondrial eve, y-chromosome adam, or any other method of dating the first homo sapiens you want. The only time frame that works is 4-6 million years.


A pretty accurate description for the scientific evidence for creationism, and of your understanding of evolution, if I ever saw one.

I have grown up in church all my life. Got saved at the age of 15, I am currently 24. Not bashing anyone for being an atheist, although I do not agree with someone being an atheist. I just dont understand how someone could be so happy to be an atheist. I have a career as a firefighter and have been a firefighter for 7 going on 8 years. Yes those numbers are correct, had someone try to tell me otherwise whom I did not even know and had never meet. I have been put in several situations where GOD has been right there with me and I knew it without a doubt. I was almost killed one time in a house fire where the roof caved in. I had a piece of epuiptment, that I never forget to hook up, that I did not hook up. That kept me from entering the building. Had I hooked up that piece of equiptment that day I would have been in there. The guy I would have been behind had to leap out the door as the roof was caving in. Had I been in there, there would have been no time for leaping and would have been headline news and had the most beautiful service anyone could have given me, with me being the "guest of honor". I believe without a doubt that God allowed me to forget that very simple piece of equiptment. And here I am today enjoying the sport that we all love and many other things as well. I could go on and on about how God has helped me throught difficult times that many people have not been so fortunate when faced with the same situations.

So in a nut shell I believe without a doubt that God exist and believe in Creation. God Bless everyone

P.S. I hate to read but was told to read these to books which I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone. I could not put them down. They are
1) 90 minutes in heaven
2) 23 Minutes in Hell

These are excellent. 90 Minutes in heaven will bring a tear to your eye thinking of how AWESOME heaven is and is gonna be when I get there

I've witnessed God many times throughout my life however, the atheist will simply explain it away as dumb luck.
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
You and I both know it wasn't dumb luck, but can't put that intangible to the test.
The author assumes this has to do with a belief in religion and rules out education level? Again, my post was simply a directive for the future. If you don't believe in God, you are afforded the opportunity to be your own god. Therefore, you can, and should, choose to sin without regard to those you might hurt. Survival of the fittest.

So you are saying that if your belief was suddenly shattered, you would become an evil hedonistic and possibly murderous person.

There should probably be a sign in your yard for that. "Warning: Sexual Predator only held back by faith".
Jesus didn't exist? Wow. I guess Josephus was referencing a myth.

Jesus, as a person, may have existed. But that's neither proof he is/was a god in any way. I could go around claiminig I was thor reborn; even if the whole world thought I was telling the truth it still wouldn't be true ('cause I'm actually I'm Odin reborn)

I've witnessed God many times throughout my life however, the atheist will simply explain it away as dumb luck. You and I both know it wasn't dumb luck, but can't put that intangible to the test.

It has been tested. It fails in double-blind studies.
A fundamental lack of understanding about the war between good and evil. The best way to keep people from a message, make a similar counterfeit message to fool as many as possible.

Now tell me, was it the religions before judaism/christianity existed that got the counterfeit messages, or just the ones that came after? And if the message was so universal, why did god only reveal it to one small tribe wandering the deserts of the middle east?

Strange, that an omnipotent being would ignore 99.999999999% of humanity, and not even bother them with a messenger or two...

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