Creation vs. Evolution

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That's it. That's the bio. Asst. Prof. of Science, where? No publications. No degrees in science that I see (BS and MS might be, but they might be in anything), no PhD in science. The United States International University web site does not indicate that a program leading to an Ed.D. even exists. There's no Education Department and no degrees above a Masters are available. He's a FRAUD!!!!!

Of course! He's blackballed from the scientific community for expressing a heresy!!!! Burn Him!!
Originally Posted by ce4jesus
Which begs the question why we see so many gaps in the fossil record. If these changes were small, over millions of years, we should have an almost complete fossil record.

Once again, you prove your ignorance and utter inability to comprehend even basic concepts.

I'm just waiting for an answer. The atheistic website stated these changes occur rapidly. Warthaug, although I hate to discredit him like this, gave a proper explanation of how these things occur slowly over time. So the question stands, why the gap in the fossil record?
So the question stands, why the gap in the fossil record?

Read this post. But, you don't actually care about the answer, since it's been spoon fed to you a dozen times and you won't stop crying long enough to read.

and HINT, the gaps aren't as substantial as you have been mistakenly lead to believe. Maybe you should actually read some of those links we sent you. You might *gasp* learn something.
My point is once again you gloss over what the bible says by interpreting it. The point of literalism is that you read it as it is. Who are you to pick and choose which parts aren't literal? If the firmament isn't literal, why isn't the 7 days of creation? Is the light bulb starting to come on yet?
If you're arguing that the Bible doesn't have metaphorical language, I'd have to disagree. I guess i'm not the literalist you assumed me to be. I've stated all along that Genesis offers a variety of room for interpretation concerning creation. I simply brought up an aparant age hypothesis that would explain why things appear older. I'm not here to dismiss anyone's account of creation. But I do take exception with science that feels it has all the answers and has emphatically disproved the existance of God!
God could have made the Earth, roughly as you see it today. He obviously made Adam and Eve of the Bible at the point of sexual maturity. He also made them a garden...pretty hard to do with a ball of lava. So the Earth was habitable therefore it wasn't in its infancy either.

the genetic diversity we see in humanity today points to about 15,000 individuals as a starting point (a chokepoint that happened about 70,000 years ago)

if human DNA had started from two individuals, we would all be so inbred as to be basically incoherent and incapable of higher thought

i am sorry, that's just a fact

there is no way (no way, absolutely none) that the current human population descends from just two individuals. if you knew anything about genetics, you would know that the Adam and Eve story is just allegory, a myth, if you will

I simply brought up an aparant age hypothesis that would explain why things appear older.

so you believe in a God that sets out to fool humans?

what kind of God is that? is that a God I want to worship?

in the words of Jesus, seek the truth, and the truth shall make you free. God is not a God of lies but of truth.
Originally Posted by ce4jesus
Which begs the question why we see so many gaps in the fossil record. If these changes were small, over millions of years, we should have an almost complete fossil record.

Originally Posted by ce4jesus
Not every animal that dies gets fossilized...

Hey, look, you answered your own question.

No but you're defying odds to think there wouldn't be a more complete record.
Hey look, we've asked ce4jesus for citations to support his claims again and, you'll never guess what happened.

He didn't provide anything at all.

I was very impressed. He must be incredibly clever to be able to come up with all this stuff all on his own and not have to support any of it with any documentation. That takes a very special ability, clearly and I think we should respect him for that.

Okay that caused me to spew coffee all over the monitor..thanks
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