Creation vs. Evolution

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:rofl3: Thanks for the entertainment... That was one of the funniest skits I have ever seen. I'd swear that it was written for a program like Mad TV! :popcorn:
There was an incident several years ago in which an entire mouse was found in a can of Cambells soup. So THERE- that just blows the hell out of that theory :)
Does it mean that scientists like Dr. Gentry and Dr. Veith, with different views on the theory of evolution, are not scientists anymore? They have done studies on the subject as well, can't their voices be heard, or should only the scientists supporting the evolution theory be heard?

What it means is that Gentry has no proof that polonium formed his haloes as opposed to another nucleotide that has a longer half life.

My understanding of Veith is that he touts a bit of political conspiracy theory about on his videos.
I read the response. Yes new evidence and/or results have come forth. That is how science works. The fact that some results have to be discarded or modified in light of new ones does not make an experiment a 'fable'. The beginnings are there. But you can't expect the exact same results considering Nature had hundreds of millions of years to 'play around'.

The law of gravity might not be applicable beyond certain boundaries but hey, it does a damn good job within these boundary conditions doesn't it. The law of gravity is, according to your logic, also a fable then, since we have general relativity now.

And once again, do you have a scientific alternative? No, you don't. 'God did it' is not an alternative.

Yes but the Law of gravity defines gravity within those parameters and can be measured as such. Miller's experiment might have shown biologists a door to do further experimentation, but that's all it did. It is as far from explaining abiogenesis as you define God as being. It takes faith. Your's is in science, mine is in God.

Originally Posted by ce4jesus
So presenting creationism in the classroom with equal time might threaten evolution? But I thought evolution was indisputable.

No, I am not in the least bit afraid creationism will threaten evolution theory in any way.
Considering the body of evidence that supports evolution theory, that is not an issue.
But presenting creationism in a classroom will be detrimental to the development of
logical reasoning and simple scientific honesty. Promoting creationism undermines good education, simple as that.

This is coming from a guy who doesn't mind teaching incorrect scientific philosophy in the classroom.
Originally Posted by ce4jesus
You're missing the point here. The Miller Experiment is being taught in schools as the foundation for biogenesis/evolution despite its irrelevance to those today.

Yes, and we also teach Newton. even though he was wrong - he led the way to new discoveries!

That's a broad statement. Maybe you're referring to his belief in Biblical Creation. But yes, if he was wrong about something it should be stated so in the text as the subjects are being taught.
Wait! I just saw this Youtube video and am convinced that the failure of scientists to explain abiogenesis destroys the theory of evolution!

YouTube - Peanut Butter, The Atheist's Nightmare!


Hey, there you have it, the proof is in the Pudding or should I say Peanut Butter!!!

Very transparent and clear experiment by Chuck Missler indeed.

I think this experiment should end this debate.:rofl3::rofl3:

I hope this experiment and scientific end results were published in a scientific journal.:D
Originally Posted by ce4jesus
So presenting creationism in the classroom with equal time might threaten evolution? But I thought evolution was indisputable.

Well, it won't threaten evolution.

However, we have a budget!!!!!!

Hard enough trying to teach kids geometry and trig while getting them to pass their state competancy tests. And yet, you want to make public scools parochial?

We don't teach atheism in class, so we sure ain't gonna allow christainity to be taught in class in a public school.

Nice try though.

Teaching the concept of intelligent design, or the generic concept of "God", is not "Christianity"
Hey Gary (ce4jesus - is that like "C E for Jesus?" If so, what's the CE for?)

Get over the classroom thing. Yes, it sucks. Could you please provide citations and schools where these things that are "incorrect" are taught in the classroom? I mean, I know a lot of schools just have really old textbooks and also that a lot of textbooks suck. We can't solve every problem at once.

Please, get over yourself. You are sounding more and more desperate and grasping at thin air trying to defend your defenseless position. Evolution happened, humans and apes had a common ancestor. I'm not sure why that threatens you so. If you weren't such a biblical literalist, you would understand that this doesn't have any bearing on Christian faith at all. You are welcome to have your god in there directing things (even though the evidence doesn't require such a deity), but you just look like a fool screaming "BAD SCIENCE, BAD SCIENCE" when your understanding of science is demonstrably so poor.
Creationism should not be taught in a science class because it's not science. In a comparative studies class that's another matter. Christian creationism vs. other belief systems creationism vs. science.

I also don't think other non-science subjects should be taught in science class either. Like economics shouldn't be taught in biology class.

...and a hypothesis, or an experiment, proven incorrect by science, shouldn't be taught as "fact" inside the classroom either.
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