Besides, pushing views down others throats is what the "left" does best.
What is the 'left'? How do you define the left? I don't personally identify with the 'left', or the 'right'. They both have their good features and bad features.
I think that's why critics of the Bible aren't very effective. There are some difficult things in the Bible but they never seem to get that far. They don't understand enough to even ask the tough questions. It's like giving a calculus text to a 3rd grader and asking them to criticize it. They could come up with a lot but it would all be foolish and do nothing but demonstrate their own lack of understanding. There are some unanswered questions in mathematics but the 3rd grader isn't going to find them.
I'd rephrase this like this personally:
"I think that's why critics of evolution aren't very effective. There are some difficult things in evolutionary theory but they never seem to get that far. They don't understand enough to even ask the tough questions. It's like giving a calculus text to a 3rd grader and asking them to criticize it. They could come up with a lot but it would all be foolish and do nothing but demonstrate their own lack of understanding. There are some unanswered questions in mathematics but the 3rd grader isn't going to find them."
Works well for me!
Are those examples of God's doing or examples of sins of people? God tells us not to do those things. Paople choose not to listen and you want to blame God?
They aren't sins or God's doing. They are people doing terrible things (I don't define this as a 'sin' though, as this has religious overtones). If God is the creator of humankind, why did he create them with such a capacity for evil? If that is what your God is, then it isn't a God I could support. As Mark Twain (pretty sure it was him anyway

) put it "If there is a God, he is a malign thug".
Your request is unreasonable. You're asking me not to do what I think is right on so many levels.
Ditto. All I am asking is that Christians and atheists stay out of each other's lives. As far as I'm concerned, I stay out of what Christians do in the bedroom, or with their bodies, and what they believe in. You've been posting about how people should stop rebelling against God, stop sleeping with who they want, stop having control over their own bodies, asking that certain people be disallowed from adopting solely because of their sexual preference, etc etc, basically assuming that we should have the same belief system as you. I have not been asking you to stop believing in God, just that you stop interfering in the lives of people who do not believe in God. But yea, you seem like you will never get the difference