Let me list your issues and then discuss them:
1) homosexuality
2) prostitution
3) abortion
4) pornography
5) sins
1) homosexuality
This activity has been around since ancient times, practiced widely in ancient Greece and Rome. It is nothing new. Normally about 10% of the population anywhere is like this (gay/lesbian/bi-sexual).
2) prostitution
In Europe, this activity is considered normal and legal. The nation-states regulate it, in order to ensure safety and disease control. Nations that outlaw this normally have higher rates of crime and higher disease.
3) abortion
I would never want to be the person to tell someone else what to do in the case of their own body. It seems simply wrong to make yourself a judge and jury over someone else. This issue is never mentioned anywhere in the Bible, therefore I do not see where you equate this with "sin." Love your enemies, because failing to do so IS a sin, in case you have forgotten.
4) pornography
This word is a combination of 2 greek words, one for "harlot" and the other for "images of." It is also not mentioned in the Bible anywhere, of course. The ancient Greeks and Romans made statues of nude figures to appreciate the artistry of nudity. Modern artists and photographers do the same thing. Why then do you call it a sin??
5) sins
The most obvious answer to this question involves "who has the right to impose religious-secular values on another?"
I will give you an example. Do you drink wine? If you do, then a Muslim constitution would forbid you, and the punishment would be imprisonment, which would take away all of your property and ruin your career. That would be a steep punishment for you, simply for tasting wine. How about wearing a veil across your face? Or holding hands in public? Same thing. Governments must be secular in order to ensure religious freedom.
Therefore you are essentially supporting your own theocracy, whatever that may be, and at the expense of everyone else's religious freedom. So you are violating the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Therefore you should probably move out of the nation you are in, and instead to another which supports your views, or to an island where you can play god yourself. N'est pas?
You really need to start thinking more, and become more tolerant of the other 6 billion people on the planet Earth with you, and judge your neighbors less, if you want to be "sinning" less than you seem to be now.
My 2 Euros, on this.