Oh look, now the fundamentalists are re-writing history.
Hitler frequently invoked god as justification of what he did - the Aryans were descended directly from god, while the rest of humanity were descended from apes, etc, etc, etc. He publicly declared himself a Christian on numerous occasions, and even went so far as to decry some of Nazisms occult practices. He directly opposed state atheism (i.e. opposed a secular state), and enjoyed fairly close contact with both the Catholic church and Protestant churches.
Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao were all communists.
"Contrast that to the record of religion, which invented hospitals, universities, and in the case of the Irish, preserved civilization for the rest of western Christendom"
There is no evidence religion invented hospitals. There is archaeological evidence of hospitals going back thousands of years; long before any of our modern religions existed.
The first known universities were in ancient Greece and China, with both cultures having them around the same time (400BC-ish). In Greece some were religious, but others were based on distinctly non-religious grounds, like geometry. China's universities were also generally secular. Contrast that to what happened to universities in early Christian history - persecution of university members who didn't toe the churches line, religious restriction of materials which can be taught (a practice, I might add, which continues in many "Christian" schools today), and so forth.
As for "preserving society", I have no idea what you are talking about. If you're referring to the dark ages, then you've got an interesting view on history. The dark ages ended with the restoration of much of the Greek and Roman knowledge; sourced largely from the Muslim and Mediterranean world. This was followed by the age of Enlightenment, which largely involved divesting life of an all-permeating Catholic faith. Of all of Europe, Irland was one of the last nations to experience these things.