People wage wars and murder other people. Probably the majority of people throughout history have been participants in one religion or another. Even today, I think the majority of people identify themselves as being of one religion or another. They justify their acts in any way that seems convenient at the time. I think anyone who is at all skilled in critical thinking could see this.
I'm not sure any of that really establishes religion as "the cause". As I look at history, the desire for wealth and power seem to be the real driving forces. Religious folks seem to want wealth and power the same as the next guy.
Personally, I tend to think that a major factor is the fact that man continually turns from God and rebels...that includes the "religious". Unfortunately, even "religious" people tend to have all the same failings as other people.
Speaking of how many people have been murdered "in the name of God", I suppose it even depends on your definition of murder. Surely abortion will help the non-religios catch up IF they were ever behind in the first place...or maybe you just consider it scientific advancement?
Speaking of critical thinking would you care to substantiate your contention that science would be 500 years ahead if it weren't for religion?
Abortion: my personal opinion: abortion of a child that is
capable of being born alive could be considered murder. Abortion in any of the stages
before this point is reached is NOT murder as far as I am concerned. A fertilized egg for example is
not a child/person, what it could be 6 months down the road is irellevant. Yes I am pro choice.
The Church hindering scientific advancement: how about the church's persecution of great scientists like Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo: the idiots in Rome censored his scientific work for nearly 200 years, Descartes, Kepler, Newton, Darwin and the list goes on. A good present day example is stemcell research. Religieus dogma is the exact opposite of the scientific method, it is baffeling but there are still in this day and age people that actually believe the world is 6000 years old and we are somehow the result of some divine creation. The ignorance and arrogance of these people is beyond understanding. I'll go even further, I think science would have been ahead by more than 500 years if it hadnt been for the church.
Not let me get one thing straight, if someone chooses to believe this superstitious nonsense I have no problem with
that, but I do have a problem when these people want this nonsense taught in science class and I do have a problem when these people start forcing their beliefs on everyone else. And I do have a problem when they expect people to discard or distort scientific fact in order to make their point of view compatible with reality.
Christians claim jezus rose from the dead. People claim prayer helps with <fill in the blank>. If I claim I saw a pink invisible elephant everybody will say I am crazy, why?
Considering that each of these claims are equally ludicrous.
If the bible is the word of god than he did a pretty lousy job huh. Considering that no two religieus groups can even agree on what it means.