Not to really get sucked into this futile creation versus evolution 'discussion', but, please do make the distinction between these two things: the fact of evolution and the theory that attempts to explain how it takes place.
Evolution is an undenyable fact, denying evolution takes place is about as ignorant as claiming the earth is flat. Does the theory have all the answers? No, it doesnt and that is ok, because if a theory doesnt answer every question it does not mean that the as of yet unexplained facts must therefore be contributed to some invisible deity. Also known as 'god of the gaps'.
Another important thing to remember is that evolution theory (ET) doesn not explain or even attempt to explain how life arose in the first place. As of yet there is no scientific explanation, there are some ideas on how that could have happened. Does this require a god? no of course it doesnt.
ET is so far the only scientific theory we have, there is no scientific alternative.
'Creation theory' is of course a bogus term, Creationism is neither theory nor fact; it is, at best, only an opinion. Since it explains nothing, it is scientifically useless.
Ok I got sucked in anyway
Evolution is an undenyable fact, denying evolution takes place is about as ignorant as claiming the earth is flat. Does the theory have all the answers? No, it doesnt and that is ok, because if a theory doesnt answer every question it does not mean that the as of yet unexplained facts must therefore be contributed to some invisible deity. Also known as 'god of the gaps'.
Another important thing to remember is that evolution theory (ET) doesn not explain or even attempt to explain how life arose in the first place. As of yet there is no scientific explanation, there are some ideas on how that could have happened. Does this require a god? no of course it doesnt.
ET is so far the only scientific theory we have, there is no scientific alternative.
'Creation theory' is of course a bogus term, Creationism is neither theory nor fact; it is, at best, only an opinion. Since it explains nothing, it is scientifically useless.
Ok I got sucked in anyway