I asked you a simple question. Provide me evidence that the world is becoming more dangerous as a whole. You haven't so far so I am guessing you have had no luck? Your very original question was "I wonder. For all our knowledge and science, have we answered any of the important questions? Don't we have pretty much the exact same problems that we've always had? We still have war, disease and suffering of all sorts only with some "new" more complicated, and even silly, twists. Most of us still spend most of our time working to procure the basic necessities...still trying to "build that shelter" and put food on the table."
I answered by talking about the huge achievements we as a species have made. I'll repeat once again as you don't seem to have listened: things aren't perfect, far from it, but things are a lot better than they have ever been in the past for the majority [not all of course] of the world's population. I will ask direct questions as you continue to ignore what I have said in this area: do you believe that rights have improved for women in the West? do you believe that rights have improved for non-whites in the West? If you answer yes to even the first question, that takes care of over fifty percent of the population...
You keep bringing up anecdotes of people in Chicago. Please provide me evidence that crime has gone up in Chicago as I do not live in the US and do not know the local situation. I am not saying I disagree with you, just that I would like evidence before I will accept your argument.
I didn't say that the world has become more dangerous. Yes, I continue to ignore your request that I support an argument that I never made.
I was pointing out that you define your life by faith and not by evidence. I think very poorly of that kind of attitude but I guess insult might be too harsh of a word to describe what I meant.
I don't think I've talked about how I define my life.
Good for you! I do however find it great that I get medical cover yes. You have to realise you are not the world. In my country, the majority of the people want free health care and thereby accept the responsibility to provide for other people with their taxes. So do you think the government should just do what they want instead of listen to what the people they govern want? Our last government tried that [war on Iraq, industrial relations changes, and so on]. Voted out last election. If I am unhappy with what the majority of people in my country wanted I would probably do my best to move to a country where the majority of people agree with my viewpoint. Not sit and complain about how I was being smothered.
We've probably gone far enough into what I think of socialism.
As far as moving to another country because I don't approve of everything that's being done in this one...well, running just isn't in my nature.
I don't know if you are familiar with the term 'great in theory but not in practice'?
Above you asked how my example was relevant. It was an example of how it can really work in practice...not theory.
Also there is nothing in Ephesians 5:22 that says that a man has to submit, only the woman. And yes, the general implication of 'authority' is having control over something.
You really want to pick only select words or phrases rather than read all content in context but, leadership, whether in government, business or the home is about service, not about being served. I try to serve God, in part, by serving my family. I'm a servent, not a master.
This is how many Christians interpret the Bible's teachings on marriage. You may not but a lot of Christians do.
I can't speak for "many Christians".
I would rather have love AND equality in my relationship, and luckily I do.
I guess you missed all the references to love in the references I provided?
Equality? Husband and wife joined are one. Isn't a thing "equal" to itself? If we take a thing apart are the individual parts necessarily "equal"? Is my right hand equal to my left hand? How can they be? One is the right and the other is the left. You might say they are complementory or opposite yet I highly value both.
Anyway, I find the whole concept of marriage archaic and am quite happy as defacto.
Well, to each their own but sometimes I need to double check to see what planet I'm even on.
Luckily I live in a country that does not require a marriage certificate to have my relationship with my life partner recognised as equal to marriage.
Recognized by who and in what regard? Again, the word equal, meaning the same. It's either the same or it isn't.
AND, I thought you said that you "find the whole concept of marriage archaic". You want your relationship to be recognized as archaic?...ie marriage = arcaic, your relationship = marriage = archaic.
I am accountable to myself and others. I want power and control over my life as much as is reasonably possible. Often this is hard for someone of my gender.
You sound very victimized.
It doesn't sound like YOUR version of Christianity. But other Christians have different versions of your religion.
Again, I can't speak for other Christians.
Like the Christians who attempt to take away a woman's reproductive right,
If by "woman's reproductive right" you refer to abortion, I don't believe that morality can be legislated though my personal belief is that it's murder and that an unborn child has (or should have) the right to live.
Still, I don't try to stop anyone, though, I do strongly object to being made an unwilling party to it by the fact that some of my tax money is used to finance it.
Christians who try to stop legislation passing allowing homosexuals to form partnerships even though it has ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on their day to day life and in fact contributes to the high suicide and depression rates in homosexual teens.
I think we addressed this earlier in the thread but much of the legeslation that has been proposed in this country most certainly would have an impact on day to day life.
I think I referenced specific bills earlier in the thread (or maybe it was another thread) but some of that legislation would do things like require public (government) school texts to give "equal" representation to homosexual unions as marriage...no more dick, Jane, spot, puff, mom and dad unless we also have a version with "dad and dad" or "mom and mom".
I don't care what the folks down the street do but I am absolutely against all such legislation. If my vote counts suicide rates and depression will have to be addressed some other way.
Christians who try to teach abstinance only sex education or teach that birth control is unnecessary, which has lead to increases in HIV and other STDs.
If one is abstains, birth control is unnecessary but I don't teach sex education.
Are you trying to blame Christian values for HIV? In western countries anyway, the primary culpret here seems to be behavior and I think the "blame" (if we want to use the term) belongs with those who exibit the behavior.
I certainly don't approve of the government school passing out pills and condoms to my children or grandchildren.
Christians who try to stop proven science being taught in the class room and instead promote something that whilst it cannot be proven wrong, has all evidence pointing to the contrary. This is what your religion has taken part in for whether you agree with it or not.
I think it's pretty clear that science should be taught in science class, language in language class, math in math class, ect and that the school, especially government schools, should stay out of subjects that they aren't chartered to be teaching in the first place.
My religion? Please don't confuse what some people do or how they vote as being what "my religion" is. For reference regarding "my religion", see the Bible.
*yawn* Only heard that line about five thousand times from most of my family. That is not how it comes across to a 5yo.
All five year olds or just you?
It makes me sick to see things such as Jesus Camp or those Hell Shows as I know how terrifying myself and many of my peers found these types of activities. It is brainwashing, pure and simple.
Sorry, I don't know what Jesus camp or hell shows are.
Your comments about how your God sees me or my life means nothing to an atheist so please save yourself the typing time.
Yes, yawn...again, I was only trying to correct your apparent misstatement of Christian doctrin. .
I wouldn't think that anything to do with "my God" would mean much to an athiest which is why I can't help wondering why they seem to put so much energy into commenting on the matter. It's further hard to understand why they don't make some attempt to do so with any accuracy. It's always a straw-man argument. First they misstate the doctrin and then procede to base an argument on the misstatement...naturally they usually declare themselves the winner of the argument.
LOL and I've found out the hard way, as is well documented on this board, that they don't usually like being corrected. They just don't seem to like being reminded of what the Bible actually says while they are busy arguing against what it doesn't say.
Yes they happen too of course. You somehow expect me to type up a list of every example of one of my arguments that I make. My point was that you held the Amish up as some kind of ideal and asked me to address your comments on that. My point was to show that their society [like all societies] is far from ideal.
No. I didn't hold the Amish up as any ideal. I simply used them as a lifestyle contrast. The contrast wasn't in regard to religion at all but rather to the use of science and technology.
For some reason you thought it somehow relevant to point out that some Amish and Christians have engaged in sexual abuse of children.