Creation vs. Evolution

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We have to place faith in ourselves....or man...because we are in charge of our destiny. Be it through belief in God or belief that we can make a change in our world ourselves. One day we'll graduate to the next level and maybe realize that our version of God is some young, super intelligent life form running a lab experiment in a science class. One day to him/her/it, is 2 million years to us.

Are we really in charge of our destiny?
Do we need to change the world?
Are we really in charge of our destiny?
Do we need to change the world?

You must believe you're in charge of your destiny to a point....or you wouldn't give me a ton of s#*t for doing deep air dives. :D You don't just say, "its up to God whether I survive this dive. I'm going 400 feet on a single 80 air..."
As far as changing the world....? well, I guess we have to change what we do and adapt to make it habitable in the next 5000 years.....unless we get slammed by an asteroid or Yellowtone Park caldera blows mankind as we know it off the face of Earth.
I can state for a fact that the earth is much older than 6 - 7 k years old.
There are things in the back of my frige that are way older than that.

Then you are older than you appear to be, or you bought your fridge used from some really old person. Regardless, maybe you ought to clean it out; maybe you'll find some bronto steaks or something.
My question was how can you believe that nothing can come from nothing while still believing in gods existence? He either had to come from something or nothing...

I guess I find the idea of a God who created "everything" rather more unlikely than the idea that what we see around us is the result of a few fundamental "principles" at work...

Maybe evolution happened differently on my side of the universe and a different chemical reaction cause me to believe. Explain that one with genetics or a few fundimental principles. My explaination is that, for whatever reason, the Holly Spirit decided to kick me in the butt before you. Maybe I needed it more?
Of course you are welcome to your own opinion but, for the moment at least, I don´t share it...
If there truly is a divine being, I´d hope (s)he´d have more mercy for a reflective doubter than a blind follower, if he doesen´t then I´d rather do without salvation because I don´t like the idea of eternity with that kind of company

The greatest justice to my mind would be, if we get the afterlife we believe in...*trying to believe in*

For discussion purposes only. ok?

The greatest justice in your mind? God's grace is exteded to all of us but slvation is not on our terms but on God's terms. It's not like Burger King where you get it your way but more like a place where you get what's on the menue or hit the road.

However, to your point above which I placed in bold type Luke 15:7 Jesus speaking "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."

Please read all of Luke chapter 15.
God is that that which the greatest that we can imagine. So He/She/It gets smaller every day.
I can be a scientist who accepts evolution in essence as FACT, not belief... I can also be a scientist who accepts the Creator on FAITH. I do not see a conflict between those two positions. However, I do see a tremendous conflict between creationism and the real world of facts.

If I were GOD, I'd sit back with an ice cold Corona or glass of merlot and watch as evolution played around with the environment I created over billions of years. As the Supreme Being, God would certainly be smart enough to take that approach!

In reality I do not yet know if "God" (at least in the Judaeo-Christian sense) exists or not. I'll find out whether she does at some point in time. For now, I'm content to simply marvel at the beauty and intricacy of Creation.
Silly man, everybody knows GOD would drink Moosehead or Labats. :wink:
Whether dinosaurs were ever alive or if they were created as fossils is up for debate. The Bible does mention two beasts that may qualify as dinosaurs. Remember that words used, when the following was written, are not our words. The description is graphic, not scientific. I'm in neither camp as far as whether dinosaurs were alive and if they were on earth at the same time as man. Good arguments and evidence exist on both sides and it really doesn't change what I said earlier - we will never have the answer in our hands.

Job 40:15-41:34
15 "Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you;He eats grass like an ox. 16 See now, his strength is in his hips,And his power is in his stomach muscles. 17 He moves his tail like a cedar;The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit. 18 His bones are like beams of bronze,His ribs like bars of iron. 19 He is the first of the ways of God;Only He who made him can bring near His sword. 20 Surely the mountains yield food for him,And all the beasts of the field play there. 21 He lies under the lotus trees,In a covert of reeds and marsh. 22 The lotus trees cover him with their shade;The willows by the brook surround him. 23 Indeed the river may rage,Yet he is not disturbed;He is confident, though the Jordan gushes into his mouth, 24 Though he takes it in his eyes,Or one pierces his nose with a snare.

41:1 "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook,Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? 2 Can you put a reed through his nose,Or pierce his jaw with a hook? 3 Will he make many supplications to you?Will he speak softly to you? 4 Will he make a covenant with you?Will you take him as a servant forever? 5 Will you play with him as with a bird,Or will you leash him for your maidens? 6 Will your companions make a banquet of him?Will they apportion him among the merchants? 7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons,Or his head with fishing spears? 8 Lay your hand on him;Remember the battle — Never do it again! 9 Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false;Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of him? 10 No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up.Who then is able to stand against Me? 11 Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him?Everything under heaven is Mine.
12 "I will not conceal his limbs,His mighty power, or his graceful proportions. 13 Who can remove his outer coat?Who can approach him with a double bridle? 14 Who can open the doors of his face,With his terrible teeth all around? 15 His rows of scales are his pride,Shut up tightly as with a seal; 16 One is so near anotherThat no air can come between them; 17 They are joined one to another,They stick together and cannot be parted. 18 His sneezings flash forth light,And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. 19 Out of his mouth go burning lights;Sparks of fire shoot out. 20 Smoke goes out of his nostrils,As from a boiling pot and burning rushes. 21 His breath kindles coals,And a flame goes out of his mouth. 22 Strength dwells in his neck,And sorrow dances before him. 23 The folds of his flesh are joined together;They are firm on him and cannot be moved. 24 His heart is as hard as stone,Even as hard as the lower millstone. 25 When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid;Because of his crashings they are beside themselves. 26 Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail;Nor does spear, dart, or javelin. 27 He regards iron as straw,And bronze as rotten wood. 28 The arrow cannot make him flee;Slingstones become like stubble to him. 29 Darts are regarded as straw;He laughs at the threat of javelins. 30 His undersides are like sharp potsherds;He spreads pointed marks in the mire. 31 He makes the deep boil like a pot;He makes the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 He leaves a shining wake behind him;One would think the deep had white hair. 33 On earth there is nothing like him,Which is made without fear. 34 He beholds every high thing;He is king over all the children of pride."
Whether dinosaurs were ever alive or if they were created as fossils is up for debate.
Sorry, if we're to have a conversation that's not open for debate. If you can't accept that as reality the we lack sufficient common ground to even attempt to communicate.
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