Creation vs. Evolution

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No I admire those who have been patient enough with the board crashing and managed to get in these posts. :wink:

But no minds will be changed and nothing will be learned.
There is always something to be learned, even if it is the fact that not all will agree. :eyebrow:
Why do I even bother with these kind of threads..

I use to call myself an atheist, but in discussions with people and in my own thoughts I realized since I was born in 1976 I really don't know what the correct answer is. I feel the truly ignorant people are the ones who say it is this way and no other way. I am way biased in favor of evolution and I do not believe anything or anyone just created the entire universe. How absurd and comical is it very 'intelligent' human beings to actually rationalize in their head that this is possible and that it is reality?
The reality is creation/religion all are human created concepts that help humans deal with life and its events. It can be turned and twisted to just about any situation. Someone dies, god said it was his time and took them. Someone survives a disease after given 1 week to live, god wanted that person to live so healed them. It offers an explanation for life and it's many unanswerables.
I often pose the question, who created god? The answer I get normally is, nobody created god he just is. See to say that something created god would not make god the almighty anymore, so they cant say that. Now in my experience in shortly 30 yrs on earth, nothing just creates itself. A lot of crap happens that we can't explain, and yes there may be others in this universe, but a supreme being that created all of this....highly doubtful.

Yet, I am not an atheist, I could be wrong. I'll take my chances and live life with a realistic outlook.


I find a lot of good points in your post. I never know how to classify myself. I believe in Science, but I know it has its flaws and assumptions. I do not believe in Creationism, and I am very solidly non organized religion.

I am happy for anyone who gets comfort from having a belief and having others to share it with, but I do not require this kind of comfort.

It angers me when these beliefs and groups use their power to oppress or rule others ideas, feelings or wants. I believe in the power of choice, and I do not believe that any other group has the right to take away my power to choose.

I believe in evolution, because I believe in science.

I am open to others having other opinions, as long as that opinion is not that I must change my opinion.

I am not an atheist, because I believe in too much, but I don't believe in creationism or organized religion.
Why do I even bother with these kind of threads..
Bother with them, you revel in them....Troll :wink: :D
And don't worry about being so young, you'll grow up. :wink:
No, it is not. E=mc^2; matter and energy are the same thing. So matter can be created from energy, and energy can be created from matter. The heat given off when something is burnt, the energy of nuclear explosions, etc, are all examples where matter is converted into energy (if you carefully weigh the products of these reactions you'll find that weight is lost during the reaction, and that the amount of weight lost is related to the amount of energy released, as predicted by e=mc^2).

Matter is also created - frequently. Virtual particles being the classic example.

A singluarity, we think.

We don't know. That's the wonderful thing about being a scientist; we spend our lives trying to figure out the nature of the universe.

What makes you say that? Virtual particles are created all the time - from nothing. How do you know there is only one universe? Given enough universes even the most remote statistical probability become guaranteed.

And we also don't say there was never a beginning - that would be the big bang. What occurred before that is unknown at this point in time; but one day me may know.

If time didn't exist before our universe was formed then would there be a "beginning"? Relativity tells us that time shouldn't exist within a singularity...

No, the evolutionist-atheist myth is a set of lies continually promoted by the creationist lobby, simply to demonize us. After all, if we don't believe in god then everything we say must therefore be ungodly. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've known literally dozens of scientists who both believe in god and evolution. Your claim that we do not is simply an attempt to demonize us, and has no basis in reality.

And how do you explain the over 10,000 clergymen who've signed this letter in support of evolution? Are they denying god? Trying to avoid trouble in the afterlife? If not, then why would they support evolution?

Typical creationist propaganda. You see evolution as a way for people to deny god. It's nothing of the sort - its just a really, really good explanation for the observations scientists have made about life. My support of evolution in no way, shape, or form represents any desire of mine to undermine faith, or the existence of god.

Evolution simply is – be it a product of godly or a godless universe doesn’t matter.


All Very Well Said Bryan!
Sir Cecil Wakeley, one of the world’s leading scientists whose credentials are rather impressive: KBE, CB, LLD, MCD, Doctor of Science, FRCS and past president of the Royal College of Surgeons of Great Britain

“Scripture is quite definite that God created the world, and I for one believe that to be fact – not fiction.”
Now that is a different side of you I would enjoy seeing Red.

I wonder if cheap white wine and Moody Blues records would have the same effect? :eyebrow:

I think....I think I am...therefore I am...I think.
What was it that John Kennedy said to a gathering of Nobel Laureates who were seated in the Cabinet room ... something to the effect that this is the greatest gathering of human intellect to be held in this room since Jefferson had lunch there by himself?

Jefferson had a way with words, Kennedy had good writers.<G>
I do not believe scripture to be fact. I am also ill at ease to see it taught in schools as fact. Scripture is taught in Sunday School and Church. I believe that is where scripture should remain.

There are far too many religions to start adding them all to the already hurting school systems.

It would be very wrong to only introduce christian ideas into education and exclude all of the other ideas and thoughts. Teach these thoughts in the places that are set up for these thoughts and let those who wish to follow come.

Math and Science are universal and not under the same thought frame. Yes much of science is being debated, but it is being debated universally. No wars have been fought over the idea that 13 is not a prime number.
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