Just because you prefer to dive off a yacht or a pristine beach please don't criticize the diving in Cozumel.
Nope, not criticizing Coz diving at all. It's kind of a "it's me, not you" type of thing.
I want to respond (I assume you're looking for responses otherwise why post...) but I'm not really sure about the point of the OP. Are you looking for suggestions on how to mitigate some of your perceived negatives or are you just making a statement that your current Coz experience isn't as enjoyable as some of your other dive experiences? Both are valid discussion points.
I find a lot of variation in my Coz experience depending on when I go (high, shoulder, low season), where I stay, and who I dive with. I'm a "planner" so if I know what's coming and what's expected you really have to work to rush me. I'll plan and pre-stage things and once I'm in a groove, you'll have to surprise me to harsh my zen. I guess that's why Coz diving doesn't seem like a thrash to me.
That said it's certainly not liveaboard or dedicated resort diving nor do I want it to be. I like those experiences as well and enjoy the difference. Wouldn't it be awfully boring if all diving was alike? It's a big ocean and there is a multitude of different ways to enjoy it.
Beyond that I'm probably the biggest variable. What I've enjoyed in the past doesn't necessarily work for me today or the future or six moths from now or two days ago etc. etc.. Thank goodness finding what I'm looking for only requires a bit of planning, research, and a willingness to try something different OR NOT...LOL.Find your "zen" for today and go have fun preferably diving.
I guess my point was that my diving tastes have evolved...but I received some helpful tips on how I can make Coz diving feel less rushed...so for that I'm grateful.
Why did you ever think you wouldn't? Okay, I admit I did nothing but boat diving for years before I discovered Bonaire, as I wasn't even aware that tropical shore diving existed on a large scale, e.g., island-wide. Bonaire is the ultimate in non-rushed diving. The polar opposite of Cozumel. We have some friends with whom we have done a few Bonaire trips who have always been reluctant to go with us to Cozumel because they hate the rushed feeling of boat diving.
I had doubts about Bonaire: 1) I don't think I'd like lugging tanks and gear around myself; 2) I've heard that the people aren't all that friendly; 3) flights/hotel is generally more expensive.
Number 3 isn't really a complaint, just an observation. Number 1 and 2 - maybe I should just give it a try and see for myself. One last thing, I'm more experienced now and think I can better handle myself diving (with my buddy) without a DM. So, Bonaire is looking better and better.