She just got electric back at her house, but her ISP does not have power yet for their servers. Her office is not going to have electric for a while. She said that a transformer just outside was damaged and as in any hurricane, spare parts are hard to come by. In Florida, we still intersections with only one traffic light because of the backorders on them.
One of the compressor stations is expected to get electric tonite/tommorrow. But since there are still a bunch of full tanks that haven't been used, they are ready to dive. She dove today and said Viz was a great 70 feet and getting better as the current does it's work. She also said that several of the ATM's are working, and downtown is all cleaned up and looks nice. Couple of stumps from trees they had to cut but the Cruise ship passengers returned to the shops today.
Now the bad news about the Dive Masters/Captains. Alot of those hotels that can't open like Iberostar, etc, also don't have the divemasters/capts working. In effect, they are layed off and out of work! They have no money and with damage to their homes, they can't fix it either. Christi is talking to the DMs & Capts to learn of their damages. One of her DM's, Javier had a huge window, blown out and water damage, even though it was boarded up. There are alot of DMs/Capts from Dressel and Sand Dollar who can't work because their resort is closed.
Good news is that all of you have responded to the Cozumel Relief fund! It was checked earlier in the week and was over $600 with a ton of people donating. Just even ten bucks through paypal will help these divers. If you have sent an e-mail or note on the Paypal of sending the money to a specific DM/Capt/Dive OP, Christi will get it to them. If there is not a note she'll get it to the ones in real trouble. She also is making notes to give us updates on which DMs/Capts got hit.
She was totally blown away at how so many divers on D2D, Scubaboard, and others pulled together when help was needed. It's divers helping divers!!