Cozumel Divers are From ?

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Yup, I'm from Colorado, but I met a lot of Texans in Coz.
I meet a lot of Texans in Colorado, too.

When we had our little Scubaboard rendevouz, there were a couple from New Hampshire, a couple from Bay Area, CA, a couple from Colorado, a single guy from Colorado. and a Texan.

I met a number of folks on the dive boat from, England, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Colorado, Washington State, Virginia, and Texas.

SO, the answer is...Everywhere!!!!! Depends on the day, the boat, and the hotel!
Well, I guess I get to be the first to say from CANADA!! Eh? I'm actually from British Columbia and got my first trip to Cozumel booked for 5 weeks from now. I can't wait :P How much do you pay for air tickets from housten or dallas? For us, its about 1200 canadian, so like 950 USD.

Well, I guess I get to be the first to say from CANADA!! Eh? I'm actually from British Columbia and got my first trip to Cozumel booked for 5 weeks from now. I can't wait :P How much do you pay for air tickets from housten or dallas? For us, its about 1200 canadian, so like 950 USD.


You should have a great time in Cozumel! It costs us around $675.00 USD to Fly from Phoenix to Cozumel via Houston. It costs about $500.00 USD to Fly from Phoenix to Cancun and Then take the bus and ferry over to Cozumel.

Well, I guess I get to be the first to say from CANADA!! Eh? I'm actually from British Columbia and got my first trip to Cozumel booked for 5 weeks from now. I can't wait :P How much do you pay for air tickets from housten or dallas? For us, its about 1200 canadian, so like 950 USD.

From DFW direct
Charter's are usually under $300. Sometimes last minute deals at $99. plus tax and current tax amounts to close to $100.
Seven days out on American was $655. I used 30,000 ff miles plus $52. tax

The "X" boarded flights for Adventure tours for awhile and could wright our own ticket's for the price of the tax and at the time was $39.
Most of the divers (other than our group) that we saw were Mexican...of course they were the local divemasters. :) Then our group of about 25 was from northern Illinois, but we all dive together.
Well, I guess I get to be the first to say from CANADA!! Eh? I'm actually from British Columbia and got my first trip to Cozumel booked for 5 weeks from now. I can't wait :P How much do you pay for air tickets from housten or dallas? For us, its about 1200 canadian, so like 950 USD.


Wow from the Bay area our whole trip is not that much.
I think the flight from here runs $500 to $900 USD based on what day you travel
Tuesdays and Thursdays seem to have the best rates.
I'd say a good chunk are from Texas, New Mexico, Colorado... but divers come from all over!
When we were in Coz, the people on our dive boat (not including the Captain & DM) were from AZ and OH, but there were many people at our hotel that were from Texas.
You'll meet a lot of us Texans down there, it's a very short plane ride for us, just a little over 2 hrs. from Dallas and we are ready to get wet!

it is also the most economic travel for most of us. we can get charter packages for VERY good rates.
i've had the pleasure to meet people from, new york, missouri, colorado, mississippi,louisiana, argentina, japan, and of course a lot of my follow texans. geo
p.s. i guess that means from all over.

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