Cozumel Dive Info requested

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Just my 2 cents.

I dive with Emerald Dolphin Dive Service. They have a medium sized boat, and normally accomidate around 10 divers +/-. We often pass up the bigger boats, and obviously get passed by the smaller boats. Trips from Downtown Briasis to Palancar take about 50 minutes, which is quite reasonable and relaxing.

Our last trip we (the 3 of us), shared the boat with a group trip from a dive shop. They had some new divers, and since Tony didn't want this to spoil our trip, we had 2 DM's on the boat. The 8 of them dove with 1 DM, and the 3 of us enjoyed having our own personal DM for the dives. It was nice.

Our last day of diving the weather was very bad. All the small boats were forced to stay in, but we still were able to make 2 dives that day, which is another benefit of the larger boat.

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't dove with anyone other than Tony, but so far I can't think of a reason why I'd want to. Even with his "slower" boat, we can still do 4 dives a day if we want, and the crew has always been top notch, and endlessly accomidating.
Deb...if you go back to lurking every time someone disagrees with you, we'll never hear what you have to say! :D Just different viewpoints, no right or wrong!

Detonate, you're right...when the weather is bad, it's the small boats that get grounded. That's why we keep phone numbers to the bigger boats handy, diving with newbies is better than not at all!
After re-reading all of the posts, I have decided I have painted myself into a corner that I can not get out of. Back into lurk mode for me......

If you're going to paint yourself into a corner, always make sure it's the corner with the door.
I like the advice you got from someone who suggested getting your AOW. Sure, it will cost a few hundred $$, but you will feel a lot better about your son's skills and you will eventually spend that money anyway (not much more than the dives cost either).

My daughter started diving in May at 12. We went to Hawaii and immediately did five AOW training dives (bouyancy, night, DPV, deep and navigation - the technical ones, not the easy ones), followed by two boat dives. She quickly became comfortable.

Try to find a private instructor and do this. Your son will thank you and you will gain peace of mind. Your first trip to Cozumel will be fantastic no matter where you dive or if you are focusing on training and sightseeing.
How did my mentioning the person who first took me to Punta Sur get transmorgified into me recommending a deep, overhead environment, decompression dive as one for a new diver? :heh_heh:"

Ahhhh!!!!! I didn't mean it that way! I should have prefaced my post with a " it has been my experience" . What I meant to say was that it has been my experience that divers who take small fast boats are normally looking for trips out to Punta Sur, Maracaibo, etc.

That's what I was thinkin' and hoped that's what you meant. :D I know, listen to what ya mean instead of....

"In my experience" there has usually been one at least one new diver on the fast boats (unless your group gets the whole boat), and the DMs always asked about how many times you had been diving in Coz. As far as I've seen, just tell 'em about your level and they'll make adjustments.

To rub it in, did I pick up some prejudice about diving with newbies? LOL, just kidding. I wouldn't want to have to look out for a new diver at Barracuda or San Juan without a few dives under their weight belt.

Although a good swift drift dive after a back roll would be a great experience for a first time ocean dive. The "Oh crap" then the "Oh I love it" thing. Guess that's jus' me though.

But I'm gettin' off topic. Take the son out for a check-out dive in one of the coves on a shore dive to get weights and stuff close, then talk to the dive op. and they'll fix ya up.
This is just like the automotive board I frequent. You guys fight like family. If I had gotten all the same opinions it would have bothered me. I will let you know how Cozumel went when we get back.
Scott, you've got that right! The family thing is especially true in the club areas. We've got the extra ties of having actually met and dived with most everyone along the way. We stay buddies no matter what!
Oh Dee, who cares what you think? LOL!

:rofl: You've got that right! Nobody that I know!

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