From the 13-June noon update:
Previous -> Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases 2,384 -> 2,442
Social Isolation 391 -> 430
Hospitalized 142 -> 139
Recovered 1,393 -> 1,409
Deaths 458 -> 464
Q Roo Tests pending 226 -> 241
Confirmed Cases 59 -> 63
Recovered 31 -> 31
Deaths 13 -> 13
% Hospital rooms in use 21% -> 21%
Data from
See post #
147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.
Five new cases yesterday, four more today. Not going in the right direction. No comment from the mayor.
Another stat on the report is regional velocity of increase in cases. This apparently relates to the semaphore level. QRoo north (Level Orange) is given at 1.0, QRoo South (Level Red) is 4.6. It will be interesting see how this changes over time[/QUOTE
my reply (formatting got screwed up since I deleted some code that separated original post from my reply )
I gather that Costamed/CMC is doing voluntary tests now and is obligated to report those to the authorities. That might be affecting statistics a little if you went from only doing tests on very sick people to also doing tests for people who could afford to pay. The comment came up in a context of sometime wildly different (not health not scuba ) so I didn’t explore at the time. I am not certain if they track the positivity rate for Cozumel specifically over time, but might be interesting to know.