Cozumel COVID-19 updates

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From the 13-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           2,384  ->  2,442
     Social Isolation             391  ->    430
     Hospitalized                 142  ->    139
     Recovered                  1,393  ->  1,409
     Deaths                       458  ->    464
Q Roo Tests pending               226  ->    241

     Confirmed Cases               59  ->     63
     Recovered                     31  ->     31
     Deaths                        13  ->     13
     % Hospital rooms in use       21% ->     21%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Five new cases yesterday, four more today. Not going in the right direction. No comment from the mayor.

Another stat on the report is regional velocity of increase in cases. This apparently relates to the semaphore level. QRoo north (Level Orange) is given at 1.0, QRoo South (Level Red) is 4.6. It will be interesting see how this changes over time[/QUOTE

my reply (formatting got screwed up since I deleted some code that separated original post from my reply )

I gather that Costamed/CMC is doing voluntary tests now and is obligated to report those to the authorities. That might be affecting statistics a little if you went from only doing tests on very sick people to also doing tests for people who could afford to pay. The comment came up in a context of sometime wildly different (not health not scuba ) so I didn’t explore at the time. I am not certain if they track the positivity rate for Cozumel specifically over time, but might be interesting to know.

Very good point and didn't think of that - I know a girl that knows a girl, maybe they know something....

Well, going back on CMC's Facebook page, they first advertised antibody and covid tests on March 31st, the last add was on June 1st.

Thru the first two months of this BS, private hospitals only had 29 positive cases and 10 out for testing - seems that on the 30th that tripled and has kept on going. CMC is in Cozumel but also on the mainland and they are adding to the overall numbers but tiny amounts compared. Since May 30th, Q Roo has went from roughly 1850 to 2450 positive cases - 600 new ones and only 25 of those came from private hospitals.

I think it's a good thought but really is just a drop in the bucket.

Well, going back on CMC's Facebook page, they first advertised antibody and covid tests on March 31st, the last add was on June 1st.

Thru the first two months of this BS, private hospitals only had 29 positive cases and 10 out for testing - seems that on the 30th that tripled and has kept on going. CMC is in Cozumel but also on the mainland and they are adding to the overall numbers but tiny amounts compared. Since May 30th, Q Roo has went from roughly 1850 to 2450 positive cases - 600 new ones and only 25 of those came from private hospitals.

I think it's a good thought but really is just a drop in the bucket.

View attachment 591861
Who or what is CMC?
One of the private hospitals here, great place from what I hear, been very active and informative during this deal.

Costamed Grupo Médico
Costamed Grupo Médico
The used to be called CMC (Cozumel Medical Center/Centro Medico de Cozumel). They go by Costamed now. I guess they have hospitals on the mainland also under that brand name. There are other private hospitals around, but the people I know that have used CMC always seem pretty happy with them.

It seems like people to Cancun or Merida for more major issues or specialties (if not the US).
From the 14-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           2,442  ->  2,505
     Social Isolation             430  ->    472
     Hospitalized                 139  ->    140
     Recovered                  1,409  ->  1,426
     Deaths                       464  ->    467
Q Roo Tests pending               241  ->    168

     Confirmed Cases               63  ->     63
     Recovered                     31  ->     31
     Deaths                        13  ->     13
     % Hospital rooms in use       21% ->     21%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.
From the 15-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           2,505  ->  2,512
     Social Isolation             472  ->    442
     Hospitalized                 140  ->    139
     Recovered                  1,426  ->  1,459
     Deaths                       467  ->    472
Q Roo Tests pending               168  ->    248

     Confirmed Cases               63  ->     63
     Recovered                     31  ->     35
     Deaths                        13  ->     14
     % Hospital rooms in use       21% ->     21%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Big jump in pending tests, and given what we know about how Mexico is testing, I would expect to see a jump in new cases soon. Cozumel is holding steady.

Cozumel beach clubs have been allowed to reopen under the new social distancing and sanitation rules, but public beaches remain closed.
From the 15-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           2,512  ->  2,562
     Social Isolation             442  ->    421
     Hospitalized                 139  ->    140
     Recovered                  1,459  ->  1,515
     Deaths                       472  ->    486
Q Roo Tests pending               248  ->    264

     Confirmed Cases               63  ->     64
     Recovered                     35  ->     35
     Deaths                        14  ->     14
     % Hospital rooms in use       21% ->     26%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Active Cozumel cases (total - recovered - deaths) increases by one to 15, but hospitalization capacity increases from 21% to 26%, suggesting some of those active cases are now serious enough to require hospitalization.
From the 17-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           2,562  ->  2,658
     Social Isolation             421  ->    477
     Hospitalized                 140  ->    141
     Recovered                  1,515  ->  1,543
     Deaths                       486  ->    497
Q Roo Tests pending               264  ->    261

     Confirmed Cases               64  ->     64
     Recovered                     35  ->     37
     Deaths                        14  ->     14
     % Hospital rooms in use       26% ->     19%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Jump of almost 100 cases state-wide corresponds to the jump in tests we saw a few days ago. The testing number remains high.

Cozumel curfew has been relaxed to 9pm - 5am. This should help restaurants' dinner business.

I'm seeing more and more people without masks, although they are still legally required.

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