Cozumel at the moment

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Just got back today, and I would pretty much echo what Gordon is saying. I had a great time as usual; there really is a lot of damage to the shallower and more northern dive sites. This does not mean those sites are not worth diving; actually, seeing the new corals starting to emerge is pretty cool and of course the fish and larger animals are still around. There is some algae build up in some areas, and I have to say I did not see a single urchin despite a couple of night dives. Since urchins are voracious algae eaters, I wonder if there's a connection there, and I'd be interested if anyone has some knowledge and/or opinion about the apparent absence of urchins. On the deeper and more southern sites like palancar and colombia, the damage is minimal.

I've only been back a few hours and I already miss Cozumel.
Way cool. I can only dream that we will encounter the wild dolphins and I would be so lucky as to be in the water with them. Only 19 more days! Glad to read your post Gordon!

If you don't see them you can often hear them...I have up on the north end.

Sounds awesome! Have more dive sites opened up in the past few weeks? A couple on your list were still restricted when we were there about a month ago. We'll be back next month and I cannot wait. We were very inspired by the recovery efforts and the dive conditions and it will only keep getting better.

Thanks for taking the time to post. Keep the updates coming!

The only sites that were and remain restricted are Yucab, Tormentos, and Chankanaab. Paradise was also restricted, but is now open for night dives.
Thanks for the update. I'll be bringing a group down in about 8 weeks and I know our travelers will be happy to read your report. We were originally scheduled for next week but due to Wilma we were told Fiesta Americana would not reopen until February. When you headed south did you happen to get a look at the FA? If so, can you comment on its condition?

The FA looks fine from the water, but that's a ways away. There's no apparent catastrophic damage, though, unlike the Presidente.
Hola again from Cozumel.

I was in error when I reported that Punta Langosta was fully operational on the ground floor. That's what it looked like walking by from the south, but right after I posted, I walked by the other direction, and I see that C n' C's is really the only part open. My bad.

I do have to back off just a little bit on my glowing account of the diving. When I last posted, I had only seen Colombia, Cedral, Palancar Caves, and Tuniche, and of those, only Tuniche was badly hit. Today I went to San Francisco wall and Las Palmas, and there is considerable sand on both those locations. About half of what I saw of SF was OK, but all of what I saw of Las Palmas was pretty bad. That's consistent with what mattboy said. The further south you go, the better it is, although I am told that the once beautiful section at the end of Palancar Gardens is very badly hit.

Jorge at Blue Angel told me that the reason that the vegetation is in such a bad way is that after Wilma, it didn't rain for a long time. Everything was inundated with salt from the wind and wave action, and then there was no fresh water following it to rinse it down. It has been raining quite a bit lately though (at least some every day I have been here), and there are tufts of green everywhere, so that is back on the mend.

But still, we are having a great time. The diving is not yet quiteback to what we have been spoiled by, but it's really good, nonetheless. The food is great, the beer is cold, and we've met some other scubaboarders, so the company is great. Some of are going to Sonora tonight for dinner.

More later...

Hola again from Cozumel.

I was in error when I reported that Punta Langosta was fully operational on the ground floor. That's what it looked like walking by from the south, but right after I posted, I walked by the other direction, and I see that C n' C's is really the only part open. My bad.

I do have to back off just a little bit on my glowing account of the diving. When I last posted, I had only seen Colombia, Cedral, Palancar Caves, and Tuniche, and of those, only Tuniche was badly hit. Today I went to San Francisco wall and Las Palmas, and there is considerable sand on both those locations. About half of what I saw of SF was OK, but all of what I saw of Las Palmas was pretty bad. That's consistent with what mattboy said. The further south you go, the better it is, although I am told that the once beautiful section at the end of Palancar Gardens is very badly hit.

Jorge at Blue Angel told me that the reason that the vegetation is in such a bad way is that after Wilma, it didn't rain for a long time. Everything was inundated with salt from the wind and wave action, and then there was no fresh water following it to rinse it down. It has been raining quite a bit lately though (at least some every day I have been here), and there are tufts of green everywhere, so that is back on the mend.

But still, we are having a great time. The diving is not yet quiteback to what we have been spoiled by, but it's really good, nonetheless. The food is great, the beer is cold, and we've met some other scubaboarders, so the company is great. Some of are going to Sonora tonight for dinner.

More later...


Sorry I'm there to see you this week! I'll be back on if you're still there let's try to meet for dinner or something!
I also recently returned from Cozumel and am preparing a detailed report, but have been really busy since I got back.

The diving was simply fantastic!!!!!!! I have never seen so much life in Cozumel as I did on this last trip. We hit some of the advanced sites and had a great time. Maracaibo was a bit sparse without as much life as I expected, but the others were great. Devil's throat is not as narrow, but the cross is now missing :-( The real treat was Barracuda. It was teeming with life and beautiful coral. Luckily, the day we went the current was pretty mild.

As for the town. It is amazing how quickly they put things back together. A couple of my favorite restaurants were closed, but so many others were open. Coconuts is doing well and the East side of the island is beautiful. Sure there is soime damage, especially North of town, but the downtown looks like nothing happened. Seriously, though Cozumel is about diving not partying. In this area they are still champs.

P.S. If you want some relaxing on shore activity, contact Cozsally on this board. She gives the most awesome massages.

More to come soon.
Thanks Gordon, I really appreciate your perspective. Your observations and comparisons are keen.
I am really looking forward to my next trip to Coz...not sure when yet!
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