Just got back today, and I would pretty much echo what Gordon is saying. I had a great time as usual; there really is a lot of damage to the shallower and more northern dive sites. This does not mean those sites are not worth diving; actually, seeing the new corals starting to emerge is pretty cool and of course the fish and larger animals are still around. There is some algae build up in some areas, and I have to say I did not see a single urchin despite a couple of night dives. Since urchins are voracious algae eaters, I wonder if there's a connection there, and I'd be interested if anyone has some knowledge and/or opinion about the apparent absence of urchins. On the deeper and more southern sites like palancar and colombia, the damage is minimal.
I've only been back a few hours and I already miss Cozumel.
I've only been back a few hours and I already miss Cozumel.