Hi, I'm Christi's mom. Christi is okay and so are the people with her. She called about 10:30 am. She found a nice lady that had a phone that worked. She asked me to send you a note so you can post it that they are fine. They were literally "pounded for 60 hours" according to Christi, the only relief was 30-45 minutes while the eye passed over them. Wilma did tremendous damage to the island. Christi's house got some water, she was lucky because it is a foot to knee deep everywhere else.
She doesn't have any word on her boat yet, but 90% of the boats are underwater. She said they will need, food, water, batteries, etc whenever we can get things sent to them. She said she will come home soon as she can, but it could be several days I am sure or more before they will have a way to get off the island. I'll let you know more when I hear from her again. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers that helped them make it through this.
Thank God, and Thnk you to everyone for all the prayers and support. I know Christi feels all your love.
She doesn't have any word on her boat yet, but 90% of the boats are underwater. She said they will need, food, water, batteries, etc whenever we can get things sent to them. She said she will come home soon as she can, but it could be several days I am sure or more before they will have a way to get off the island. I'll let you know more when I hear from her again. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers that helped them make it through this.
Thank God, and Thnk you to everyone for all the prayers and support. I know Christi feels all your love.