Things are looking better than they have for a while. Maybe some optimism is in order.
The surge in infections has passed, and the feared "Easter Surge" has not (yet) happened. There is still time...
This was not entirely believable because the testing-positivity rate had been so high, but even that seems to be dropping now:
The vaccination program is going pretty much as planned; yesterday's report was 5907 total with a first shot, 2222 with both shots, almost 10k registered and waiting. They are managing about 2k injections per week, against an about 20k population. They could be finished by July!
They will be finished with their second 2-week "phase 6" lockdown next Friday. It is anticipated to hear on Tuesday or Weds if it will be continued or lightened.
IF the numbers keep dropping -- including testing-positivity -- and
IF there is no "Easter Surge" and
IF the local vaccinations get completed,
THEN two things would seriously help open the doors again for folks from the US: (1) AA actually flies there from Miami instead of continuously cancelling flights, and Delta begins on June 6 from Atlanta as now scheduled, and (2) the Netherlands lessens the testing requirement to enter Bonaire AND/OR they allow vaccinated passengers to skip the testing.
A note on the current testing requirement to enter Bonaire (details at
Q&A's reizigers - Crisiswebsite van het Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire):
You can show a PCR test (taken less than 72h before arrival in Bonaire) AND an antigen test (taken less than 24h before departure for Bonaire)
-- or --
You can show a NAAT test (includes PCR, RT-PCR, and some others, but NOT antigen) taken less than 24h before departure for Bonaire.
People from the US are currently flying to Bonaire via Aruba or Curacao but that adds some complexity and cost not everyone wants to endure. Most are waiting for direct flights to restart.