Who you end up diving with years down the road, and the style of diving you practice can in fact be very related to what classes you take in the here and now... i've met, dove with and chose to keep diving with DIR divers i met 5 or so years ago.
i am doing my best to bring my 'old skool' dive buddies, people i've been diving with for 18-20 years along with me as i continue my quest to become a better diver via GUE training. why? simply because i really like the way people dive when they've been through even just Fundamentals. fwiw, i have been observing divers from all the different agencies who've been through the entry level tech class and/or fundamentals equivalent, and i DO see a difference in the training. maybe not better or worse per se, but the holistic approach and fundamental philosophy of GUE generally tends to make divers i want to dive with. divers who've trained with other programs DO exhibit differences in team philosophy, diving style, equipment, signal/communication, pretty much across the board there are differences. enough differences that for the diver to integrate into our little dive team, we basically have to teach them the differences, and let them decide if they want to change their style. it can be simple stuff like how far apart they like to dive.
i am doing my best to bring my 'old skool' dive buddies, people i've been diving with for 18-20 years along with me as i continue my quest to become a better diver via GUE training. why? simply because i really like the way people dive when they've been through even just Fundamentals. fwiw, i have been observing divers from all the different agencies who've been through the entry level tech class and/or fundamentals equivalent, and i DO see a difference in the training. maybe not better or worse per se, but the holistic approach and fundamental philosophy of GUE generally tends to make divers i want to dive with. divers who've trained with other programs DO exhibit differences in team philosophy, diving style, equipment, signal/communication, pretty much across the board there are differences. enough differences that for the diver to integrate into our little dive team, we basically have to teach them the differences, and let them decide if they want to change their style. it can be simple stuff like how far apart they like to dive.
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