Cost of dive equipment?

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So me amd my gf have $4750 to use betweem us for scuba, local shop said its 865 for open water included, so 3020 left, now what bout gear and spearfishing gun, wetsuits everything tanks bc’s knifes gloves how much for everything n will we have enough

He's saying it's $865 per person

4750 - 2*865 = 3020

Hell for that much come down here to Florida. You can get OW plus computer nitrox for $350 at my LDS. So you get a vacation and you certs. You can do all the computer courses prior to coming and get your dives covered while you're here. Even with that you'll still have more than $3020 to spend on gear.
Hell for that much come down here to Florida. You can get OW plus computer nitrox for $350 at my LDS. So you get a vacation and you certs. You can do all the computer courses prior to coming and get your dives covered while you're here. Even with that you'll still have more than $3020 to spend on gear.
$350 plus a nitrox cert is good price, but to be fair adding the cost of elearning at $175 each, plus any other associated fees such as boat fee,rentals,required personal add in transport to airport, airfare,hotel, rental car,food,lost time at work, tips..
$350 plus a nitrox cert is good price, but to be fair adding the cost of elearning at $175 each, plus any other associated fees such as boat fee,rentals,required personal add in transport to airport, airfare,hotel, rental car,food,lost time at work, tips..
I mentioned something like that last month to the shop I've frequented for years on the FL panhandle and he said "Yeah, but down here you won't freeze".
If it's good training with a good instructor who is taking the time with each individual to make sure every skill is mastered and not just done once to satisfy a requirement and check a box then I don't think $865 is too much. Now if you are one of 10 in a class just going through the motions than I would agree that is a bit steep. But remember good training is an investment in your saftey can you put a price on that?

As others have said.. >$800 is ridiculous for OW cert. I had three of my kids trained OW+nitrox by a VERY good instructor in a very small, (nearly 1on1) setting for less than half of that.

It is incredible that people are crying about the price and making recommendations without knowing anything about the course, the instructor, the facilities, what is included in the course, course time, training quality, NOTHING!

So, what's to know?? I lived in the Hudson valley.. There's nothing special about that place to justify >2x the typical class cost for OW training. I used to see folks using the Poughkeepsie YMCA pool for cert, and I am pretty sure they have not gold plated that pool since then. Maybe they are renting a luxury bus to take you over to Dutch Springs??

Save your dough and hop a flight down to Florida. You will find plenty of friendly instructors and warm water.
What would you think if that money were going into your pocket. Same c-card.

I taught first jump course for $99 bucks... Everyone else was selling tandem jumps for $250 bucks and the person learned nothing... I did it for the love of the sport.. Just like the guys that helped me as a young diver.. Just like the guys that taught me about driving a top fuel car... We did it , They did it for the love of the sport... To give back... People that think it's all about money, have lost their way... Or maybe they really don't love the sport and want to share it with others..

Call me a romantic.....

And I want to add there are many people that make a nice living giving back to the sport they love..
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So me amd my gf have $4750 to use betweem us for scuba, local shop said its 865 for open water included, so 3020 left, now what bout gear and spearfishing gun, wetsuits everything tanks bc’s knifes gloves how much for everything n will we have enough

Consider buying certain items 2nd hand. There is a good market for 2nd hand gear and you can get very good deals if (a) you know what you're looking at and (b) you have patience.

When my daughter started diving I bought a complete set of gear for her online that was all top-brand stuff and hardly used for a fraction of what that very same gear would have cost new. The trick is, however that there is also a lot of junk for sale online so you need to get someone who knows gear to help you make choices.

Also, I'm assuming that the $865 is for both of you to get trained. Is that right?

It sounds like the class is priced appropriately for the area. NY isn't FL.

The real question is what is being left out of the $875 course that allows them to sell it for $300 or even $99.

The dive industry is falling apart because the old model of using training as a loss leader to sell overpriced gear doesn't work anymore in the age of the internet. Sure, sign up for that $99 weekend wonder class then go buy all your gear online. See what happens when you come back next year and there is no place to get your tank filled. Maybe you can order an air fill online.

If the training was priced appropriately it would be in the $800 to $1000 range. I do not understand why instructors continue to teach for less than minimum wage and and try to get assistants to help them with the class for free.

The new business model is sell your training for a reasonable amount that allows profit even when paying assistants and sell gear to match or beat online pricing.

To the OP: I left a detailed response to your same question you posted on another site.
I'm in NJ (near Princeton) and paid $300 for the PADI OW class (3 students and 2 instructors for pool and OW dives). On top of that charge was fees for 2 days at Dutch Springs and equipment rentals (wetsuit, tanks - I had my own reg, BC, mask, fins and computer) - but total cost was still only around $550. $865 is CRAZY expensive; even for NJ.
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I'm in NJ (near Princeton) and paid $300 for the PADI OW class (3 students and 2 instructors for pool and OW dives). On top of that charge was fees for 2 days at Dutch Springs and equipment rentals (wetsuit, tanks - I had my own reg, BC, mask, fins and computer) - but total cost was still only around $550. $865 is CRAZY expensive; even for NJ.
You had your own regulator,bcd,mask,fins,computer...that should be figured in for true cost of what you paid for your $550. Now your class works out much higher..closer now to $1,100 if you purchased this gear used to as high or higher than $2,000 +..

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