I can't see any reason to have the cracking effort turned all the way in. On the primary 2nd stage, I don't see any reason to ever change it from all the way out for anything other than the example given previously - you're facing into a current and it's causing a freeflow.
If it is out of the mouth in water (surface or underwater), it will freeflow. I find it much better to turn it in until I use it. If you can find a setting to stop the free flow without turning it all the way, great.
This is true, the turning in of the creaking effort adjustment need to be turned in only when in water otherwise it is left all the way out.Note: For storage, the venturi lever position does not matter, but the cracking effort adjustment should always be all the way out.
It is VERY easy for me and/or for my student to discern the difference in the venture setting in the SP regulators.I bet you couldn't tell the difference in the inhalation effort with it in either position at depth (unless you are an ANSTI machine).
I appreciate that dealers say they cannot sell a regulator in North America unless they have these features.